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01/14/2019 12:27:01

freezing here! but then again it is winter...hope your start of the week is going well...hugs

01/12/2019 09:52:08

wishes to you for a lovely day...smiles and meows

01/11/2019 14:35:09

I hope you are having a good Friday. It's another sunny, cool day and just beautiful here. Some already know this but Dave's brother died on Monday. It's been such an emotionally draining week as we are also dealing with both Dave's mom and her husband who have dementia and are declining faster than we'd anticipated. Monday, the 13th, will be Dan's memorial service in Winston Salem area and then on Thursday, the 17th, we will go back up there to help move Dave's mom and stepdad into their new assisted living place. Because she is unable to retain much at all, Dave's mom calls him and asks him if he's talked with Dan lately and why won't Dan answer her when she calls him. So Dave has to remind her that he's gone and the cycle just repeats itself. Often. Hopefully once we get them settled into their new place with 24 care and no way for Dave's stepdad to wander off, things will settle down. For us, anyway. I know things won't get better with the inlaws. Anyway, when I am missing in action over the next week or so, you now know why. I'm not ignoring anyone. 

Love and friendship~


01/11/2019 09:51:35

01/10/2019 15:46:37

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good after-noon, it's really cold here today..i don't think it got above 15 degrees today...hope you are having a nice day...hugs

01/08/2019 10:35:51

I hope you will have a terrific Tuesday. 



01/08/2019 10:13:24

good morning! trying to decide if i want to venture out...it's really icy out...but i need to pick up some meds..and need a few things from the grocery store...hope your day is rosy...hugs

01/07/2019 06:29:00

some winter cuteness...have a nice monday..hugs

01/04/2019 12:57:43

     Winter fun !!!!

May you have a very special  day knowing friends are thinking about you and praying for you. SMiles Gloria

01/04/2019 08:51:00

this dog looks like he's having such a good time, happy friday, enjoy the day...hugs

01/03/2019 19:21:40

01/01/2019 07:09:59

wishing you happiness and peace for this new year...hugs

12/31/2018 10:06:59

There is no chance for snow or for the sighting of sweet snow bunnies in my area. Rainy and warm, Bren. Temps in the 60s today. Once again we are awaiting the arrival of our new dryer. Hope there are no issues today as I have a load of clothes in the washer that will want to be dried soon. Did you have a good weekend? Ours was good; Saturday was nice and we even had sunshine so that was a real mood booster! Do you have special new year's eve plans? We stopped doing things on NYE long ago. Too many crowds, too many drunks, and just not our thing. I will ring in the new year in my nightgown with my ever-handy glass of unsweetened iced tea and my dear hubby. 

Be safe, have fun!


12/29/2018 11:33:55

taking my tree down today, i have needles everywhere...enjoy the last saturday of the year...hugs

12/27/2018 10:39:17

enjoy the last days of this year...hugs..mk

12/26/2018 10:48:34

Happy day after Christmas. I hope yesterday was a good one for you and your family. We had a houseful of food, fun, and chaos and I always bask in that since it only happens a couple times a year. Today, I am breathing deeply and just doing what, if anything, I choose. So far I've divided up cookies and put some in the freezer. And I've washed dishes. That may be all I accomplish today. HAHA

Love and hugs~


12/26/2018 09:43:13

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happy day after christmas...hope your day was happy and peaceful...hugs

12/24/2018 13:25:13

Just want to wish you and yours a very merry Christmas, Bren. I've been scarce on The Hill but with Christmas and life...sometimes our days get away from us. Have your very best holiday and enjoy all the sights and sounds as we celebrate the birth of Jesus!

Happy holiday hugs~


12/23/2018 13:19:10

My Christmas wish for you my friend

Is not a simple one

I wish you hope and joy and peace

Your days all filled with sun

I wish you love and friendship too

Throughout the coming year

I wish you laughter, happiness

Your world be filled with cheer

May you count your blessings one by one

And when you have totaled up the lot

May you find all that you have been given

Is so much more than what you haven’t got

May your trips be short, your burdens light

May your spirit in no way grow old

May your clouds have silver linings

And your rainbows pots of gold

I wish this all and so much more

May all your dreams come true

I wish you Merry Christmas and

A blessed New Year too

12/22/2018 12:36:08

   Blessed Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones!

12/22/2018 07:25:49

christmas blessings to you...hugs

12/21/2018 08:57:13

my cats are sure having fun playing and hiding under the tree...except i have to keep putting the skirt back in place and putting ornaments back on the tree...wishes for a happy day for you...hugs

12/20/2018 12:03:31

have a simply wonderful day...hugs

12/19/2018 12:29:58

happy wednesday

have a delightful day...hugs

12/19/2018 11:17:18

6 more days until Christmas. Are you ready? It's a rather cloudy Wednesday here and we are to get rain tomorrow and Friday. Just what we need; more sloppy weather. At least we've had a few sunny days to get a little bit dried up. Hoping I can get grocery shopping done tomorrow morning before the rain starts. Have a happy hump day, friend. 

Christmas cheer~


12/18/2018 10:18:56

wishes for a wonderful day...hugs

12/17/2018 11:43:34

christmas will be here soon, wish we would get some snow...hope your start of the week is happy...hugs

12/16/2018 08:59:02

very foggy here, i could'nt see across the street earlier, hoping for some sunshine...enjoy your sunday...hugs

12/15/2018 10:17:00

What a sloppy Saturday here. When we need rain, we have to beg for it. When we don't, it's abundant. This afternoon I am going to our middle daughter's (Melanie) for an essential oil party. We will be making three different gift items using essential oils. While I'm with "the girls", Dave will be heading to an auction at a local antique shop that lost its lease and must move. Hopefully the rain will end and we can dry out considerably over the next many days. I'm afraid to even look at the forecast. LOL Have a terrific weekend, rain or shine! Bren, our yard is like a swamp at the moment. I feel like we could do an episode of Swamp People right in our own backyard. UGH!

Soggy smiles~


12/15/2018 09:50:43

have a wonderful saturday...hugs

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