Hi Bren, well October is nearly over. We are having a nice Fall day for now. Rain will be back tomorrow. Hope it's chilly for the trick or treaters on Thursday. Happy Monday. Enjoy!
I hope today brings you relaxation and rest. Tomorrow we begin a new week and the last week of October. I wish autumn wasn't going by so quickly! Bren, you are a busy artistic bee! Keep it up!
Friday has arrived and I hope you have a good one! Not much happening at my house today except a trip to Lowe's to check out their fall and Halloween stuff on sale 75% off. And I need to buzz in Walmart because I forgot cat treats when I got groceries yesterday. Oops. What's happening at your house? Are you ready for the weekend and do you have any special weekend plans? Have a fabulous Friday, Bren!
A nice cool 31 for the temp at the moment. Sun is shining and a slight breeze. A great day to run some errands. But first must finish up my flavored french vanilla with some coffee mate creamer called snickers. May everyone have a very nice day being ever so kind to yourself. Smiles Gloria
It is a gorgeous, perfectly fall day at my house and I am loving it. I've gotten a ton of stuff accomplished today and now I'm about ready to call it quits. How is your day going? Yesterday in our venture to Lowe's, we bought more blackberry and raspberry bushes to plant. ALL on sale for just $5 each. Dave is outside working on a trellis so they can have a place to grow onto come spring. One day I hope to harvest enough to make jams and a mixed berry pie! Have a relaxing evening and let's start coasting to our weekend!
happy tuesday...very fall like here, had a visit from some wild turkeys this morning...good thing i had already filled the bird feeders, i always put some on the ground for the doves...so they were pretty happy, the blue jays on the other hand not so much, they sure can make a racket...wishing you a nice day...mk
Are you having a good weekend, I hope Bren? My day has been going great and we are just waiting on the rain to arrive. Ready to cozy up for a cool rainy evening!
Good Morning, oh we defiitely got rain. We have a tropical storm blowing through as I type this. Only gusty winds, nothing too bad thankfully. Hope your weekend is happy.
May you have a pleasant day. Sunshine is with us today which always brings a smile to ones face and joy in ones heart. I am just going to take what this day will give me and be flexable.
I do believe I need to have another cup of coffee and or tea to make my day even more special. Take care and have a nice day. Smiles Gloria.
Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower. -- Albert Camus
Good Morning, glad you are enjoying your Indidan Summer/Fall. We are still hot here and waiting on some desperately needed rain. Have a good Monday and a wonderful new week.
good morning! hope you had a nice week-end. we had a little frost this morning. but the sun is shining, and looks to be a beautiful fall day...wishing you a most lovely day...mk
WE HAVE RAIN! I am so very thankful. A cool, drippy autumn Sunday is just what we need and I intend to enjoy it. Hope your day is a good one, too, and you find time to rest, Bren.
It is a gorgeous Saturday for me and I am loving that autumn seems to have finally arrived. It's quite warm (mid 80s) but low humidity and just beautiful. How is your weather and what are you doing today, Bren? Dave is putting up purlins on the new carport for his truck and I've gotten some household things done. Have to put clean sheets on the bed then I'm calling it quits. Enjoy what's left of today and have a nice, quiet evening.
My goodness how can it be in the afternoon already. Guess I was just having fun with my morning time doing this and that and the morning flew by. Errands to run this afternoon . I sure am enjoying this glorious fall day. Such a blessing! May you have a nice week. Smiles Gloria
Day one of the work week is done. Now let's see what we can do with these next four before we get to play this coming weekend. Today looks like a fairly lazy sort of day for me. Tomorrow, not so much. Then Thursday our visitors are coming for the day and I look so forward to seeing them. What's happening at your house today? Going to try a new recipe for dinner tonight and hoping it's as delcious as it looks!