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08/23/2019 10:14:22

Are you having a good Friday, I hope? It's a sunny one here and going to be another hot one. But we got almost 3/4" of rain yesterday and that is wonderful. I know the flowers did a happy dance to have a drink from Mother Nature. Anything special going on with you this weekend? Tomorrow we are going over to Melanie's for "family fun day". Ok, it'll be family (Dave, myself, and our girls) but I'm not entirely sure of the fun part. See, Melanie has bought a house and will be moving next week. A lovely home on about 6 acres of land. So we are all going over to help her pack up and load the POD. Movers will take care of the furniture on Thursday after her closing. We are all so excited for her. She will be just 10 minutes from me as opposed to the 30 minutes she is in her current home. Bren, your painting is just stunning. Your talent has me in awe. My youngest daughter is a painter...though not of the same style...and I always wonder from where her talent comes b/c she sure didn't get it from me!

Feel-good-Friday fabulousness~


08/21/2019 11:08:46

Hello hump day! If we squint, we can see the weekend coming into view. And I'm REALLY looking forward to the weekend b/c it's supposed to cool down and be a bit less humid. YAY! I've been on fire today; getting housework done and such. I love days like this when I've got energy AND desire, both. HAHA Hope your day is wonderful and you have a nice, relaxing evening. 

With hugs~

08/21/2019 08:09:53

happy mid-week...have a lovely day...mk

08/20/2019 13:45:51

A nice cool day and it feels wonderful. Believe I should make up some pumpkin spice coffee for my thoughts are on Fall. Have a glorious day and a pleasant week. Smiles Gloria

08/19/2019 07:41:33

have a nice start to your week...mk

08/18/2019 09:33:31

Have a relaxing Sunday!



08/17/2019 13:41:49

 May you have a  glorious weekend enjoying what life gives you. This is going to be a great day for rain drops are to fall down . It is so needed.  Can't wait to smell the fresh air of rain. Smiles  Gloria

08/17/2019 09:36:41

What is happening with you this weekend, Bren? Anything special going on? Nothing here; just hanging out at home, keeping cool, and doing indoor things so as not to melt in the cooker...also known as the great outdoors. You keep cool, too, and enjoy the next two days as they are intended....relaxation and FUN!

Happiest hugs~


08/15/2019 09:59:47

happy day wishes..mk

08/14/2019 08:26:01

happy wednesday...mk

08/13/2019 13:50:00

This cat is a spitting image of my old cat, Sebastian. He is the sweetest cat ever but is quite old so I treasure his time left with us. How is your Tuesday? I am currently sitting here enjoying a summer afternoon storm and lovely rainfall. Our heat index was 103* right before the rain started. What is the weather like at your house? Today is a rather lazy day. I did laundry and vacuuming yesterday and fixed a good supper and tonight will be leftovers. Easy! Have a great rest of the afternoon and a restful evening, Bren. 

Steamy smiles~


08/13/2019 07:53:38

happy tuesday, hope you enjoy your day...mk

08/12/2019 13:07:43

Merry Monday! Hope your weekend was amazing (mine was) and the new week will be kind to us both. The next couple of days are to be brutal weatherwise. Weatherman says dangerously high dew points and heat. Since I'm completely unimpressed by this weather report, my intentions are to stay indoors and drink tea by the gallons (it's ok....it's unsweetened) while sitting beneath the ceiling fan letting the a/c and fan keep me from melting into a puddle. It wouldn't be pretty, trust me. Hoping we can survive until cooler temperatures decide to visit. Enjoy the day, no matter the weather. Bren, I do hope you'll share photos of your new paintings. Yes, it's good to love what you do. I am not artistic in the same way as you but I do love my yarn crafts and I can't imagine not having a hobby or line of work that I loved.

Sweltering down south~


08/12/2019 12:42:20

Wow a cool day in the late 60's and am enjoying it. Plus rain is coming down off and on which is needed which is a pleasant site to see and smell the fresh air . May you have a nice week smiling and counting all your many blessings. Smiles Gloria

08/10/2019 09:32:04

saturday cuteness....hugs

08/09/2019 10:33:22

Wishing you a fabulous Friday, Bren! Aren't all Fridays fabulous no matter what? We are waiting on a delivery and, while I wait, I'm doing laundry. It is going to be a typical August day and temps are REALLY heating up by the start of the new week. Mid-upper 90s. I am just going to hibernate indoors until October. All I need during hibernation is iced tea, watermelon, and chocolate! LOL

Smiles and hugs~


08/09/2019 09:30:40

happy friday!....hugs

08/08/2019 15:07:16

How is your Thursday going, Bren? I hope you are having a good one. I've grocery shopped and gotten that chore completed for the week. Not really doing a whole lot else. Preseason football starts tonight and we will probably check the scores of the Panthers game off and on through the evening. Hard to believe it's nearly football season and back to school time. Time could slow its pace and I wouldn't offer one complaint! Enjoy what is left of the day and have a restful evening.

Lots of hugs~


08/08/2019 07:56:25

good morning! sending you happy day wishes...mk

08/07/2019 07:23:31

happy midweek...mk

08/05/2019 10:52:59

I know how this lion feels, Bren. I'm sure he is wondering where his weekend has gone and who brought this Monday so rudely into our lives. HAHA I had a terrific weekend and hope you did, too. It is sprinkling raindrops here at the moment and I'm hoping it does even more than that later on. Our garden is cracked and would appreciate a good, long drink. Have a marvelous Monday and a great week ahead.

Hugs and smiles~


08/03/2019 14:30:56

I hope these little mice are having their picnic under a tall, sweeping shade tree! Do you know what a person of questionable sanity does on a 90* summer afternoon, Bren? She bakes cookies. I never said I was brilliant or sane, did I? And, because I love Dave dearly, I did NOT put raisins in the oatmeal cookies today. Even having had the oven on a while, it's still cooler in the house than outside where Dave is currently building our compost bin. He deserves a cookie, don't you think? Hope you are having a superb Saturday and keeping cool and comfy!

Hugs and humidity~


08/03/2019 09:07:01

happy caturday...puurs

08/02/2019 10:45:11

Fabulous Friday has arrived, Bren! And it must have sprinkled all kinds of inspiration on me because I have kicked some serious housework butt! I mean I NAILED the role of domestic goddess this morning. Now I may sit down this afternoon and enjoy my yarn projects and maybe watch an episode of Call the Midwife! The yarn is a sure thing! Hope your day is going well and you are preparing to kick off the weekend. Anything special happening?

Feelin' Friday Fine~


08/02/2019 07:34:57

a beautiful day here...how's it in your area? ...happy friday..mk

08/01/2019 08:44:52

happy august my friend...have a beautiful thursday...hugs

07/31/2019 07:40:43

hope you enjoy your day..mk

07/30/2019 11:25:18

I hope your Tuesday is a bowl of cherries, Bren! My day is great so far. I've been out watering all my potted plants since it's getting hotter and we are in need of rain. Every year I tell myself that next year I won't have so many pots of things needing to be watered. But every year I see all the pretty flowers and that thought just flies out the window! Oh well, it's a peaceful task and I get to listen to the birds singing while I give drink to my thirsty flowers! We picked a basketful of tomatoes and peppers this morning, too, before the sunshine made it too hot to enjoy the garden.

Cherries and Cheer~


07/30/2019 09:08:15

have a really nice tuesday...hugs

07/29/2019 09:43:48

I was just getting nicely entrenched in the weekend and along came Monday! How rude! We had a great weekend and I hope you did, too. The weather was good but now they say the humidity is on its' way back along with 90*+ temps. I am thankful I got to enjoy outdoor time the past couple days and now I will be staying indoors having a close relationship with my a/c! Whatever the weather today, please have a good one!

Warm (hot?) hugs~


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