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08/07/2023 13:48:25

My goodness the morning is now in the past and the afternoon is now here for me to enjoy as I wish. For some reason I am in a fall mood so I put some pumpkin spice creamer in my coffee for the fun of f it.  Ever so smooth and tasty.  Looking forward to cooler temps. May you have a pleasant week counting all ones blessings from above. Smiles   Gloria

If we try to see something positive in everything we do, life won't necessarily become easier but it becomes more valuable. ~Author unknown

08/01/2023 12:00:39

The beautiful month of August is now here with all of its surprises and wonders that this month will bring us.

We are receiving some wanted rain showers today and tomorrow. Maybe I will go out and splash in afew puddles for the fun of it.  May you have a glorious day what ever you will be doing and will do the same here in my neck of the woods.  Smiles  Gloria

When life throws you a rainy day, play in the puddles! ~Author unknown

08/01/2023 10:10:06

07/31/2023 13:15:27

My goodness this day just started and it is now  going into the afternoon. The  Laundry is done and went to the store for groceries.  Now it is time to have a nice cup of coffee as I sit back and find that book that I am reading.  May you have a peaceful week  enjoying your moments .  Smiles  Gloria

I love old poems, ladies who lived in past times. Life was maybe not easier, but people took time to idle sometime, and mostly they took time admiring a sunrise, the flowers opening their hearts, etc. ~Marie-Ancolie Romanet  #oldsoul

07/19/2023 07:51:29

Hello my dear friend...Horrible heat wave! I hope you have a fantastic Wednesday! Many kisses

07/17/2023 10:51:49

May your Monday day be ever so nice to you as your doing your daily duties.  We are abit cool up north for we just might make it to 70 for the temp sometime today.  Cant believe that July is  half over already and it just started.  Enjoying all the moments of summer as the late summer flowers are now starting to bloom in the flower beds. Smiles  Gloria

Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you — not because they are nice, but because you are. ~Author unknown

07/06/2023 10:42:05

May your day be ever so nice to you as you do your daily duties of the day and take some time off  to enjoy the moments of the day with a fresh cup of coffee and or tea.  We are having very cool temps this week so a nice hot cup  of coffee sounds  delicious  to me right at the moment.  Smiles   Gloria

Never ask, "What reason do I have to be happy?" Instead ask, "To what purpose can I attach my happiness?" ~Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com

06/26/2023 11:40:37

May you have a glorious day doing this and that and hearing the birds singing. Many nests in the trees this spring so now I am watching the little birds flying around to and fro. It is so cute to watch is off and on as one is doing their daily duties. Smiles Gloria

06/23/2023 10:44:58

A Happy Friday day to you. My goodness this week just flew by enjoying the moments of life. I am so excited for we should receive some rain showers today and for the next days. Looking forward to splash in some puddles while singing a song and giggling!

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. ~Author unknown

06/20/2023 12:05:23

A glorious Tuesday day to you. Extra warm today so better enjoy some ice tea and or coffee to cool myself and then maybe some refreshing lemonade .  Now to find my book and head outside and enjoy the summer breeze  for awhile.  May you have a very pleasant day.  Smiles  Gloria

Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you — not because they are nice, but because you are. ~Author unknown

06/05/2023 16:03:27

Hello my sweet friend. How are you today.

Im back. Been so busy with work and family.

Hope all is well with you.

We had crazy weather. 

Today i want to share you a new member in the family. 

My little Bailie. 5 5 23. She was born. 

She will be ready to come home July 8th. 

She is a cutie and likes to snuggle.

I hope you are doing ok and the weather is good to you.

Please take care and thank youi for 

stopping by my page and posting comments.

God Bless you and your family. :-) 

05/30/2023 07:59:47

Hello my sweet friend, I hope you have a Tuesday full of love and smiles! I send you kisses

05/21/2023 03:13:20

Good morning my dear friend: I hope you have a fantastic Sunday! Many kisses. 

05/17/2023 02:25:11

Hello my dear friend, may this wednesday be special and beautiful for you! I send you kisses. 

04/22/2023 17:54:37

04/09/2023 10:49:50






May you, your children, your grandchildren, and all your family & friends know Jesus and may we all meet one day in Heaven.  Don't forget to share Him with those you love!  

Blessings and Hugs!  Pam

04/08/2023 00:09:55

03/29/2023 04:00:30

Buenos dias: Espero que éste miércoles sea fantastico para ti...que la sonrisa no falte nunca en tu vida.   Te mando muchos besos.

03/27/2023 15:26:58

03/16/2023 08:52:54

I would like to send greetings to you on this glorious Thursday day.  May your day be ever so kind to you as you  go through your daily duties.  Don't forget to have another  cup of coffee and or tea , find time to put your feet up and  continue to read another chapter in your book.   Smiles  Gloria

Be happy, and a reason will come along. ~Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com

03/14/2023 10:55:27


Isn't that the truth?  I know it works with iPhone and Mac.  A good restart just like we get with every sunrise!  


Oh, what memories that brings back.  My mom loved to get in the car and just drive... "We haven't been down this road before; let's see where it goes."  


I have the perfect place for all of us just to sit in the shade of my backyard (I wish) and just to enjoy the view.  Will you join me?  


What a view we have today.  Beautiful flowers to look at and can you hear the stream and the birds singing are bound to be singing praises too.  


What a perfect day!  The warm sunshine always puts me to sleep.  Does it do the same for you?  


I hope you enjoyed your day and the light show at night with me as much as I enjoyed your company.  Blessings and Hugs to all my friends!  


03/08/2023 12:43:27


Guess what... we have no sunshine again!  But even the rainy, dreary days can be full of color.  


What about you?  Do you dream in color or see all the beautiful colors when you take a walk?  


Do you like to walk in the rain?  Do you try to walk every day?  Since we have both fallen in the last year, we are not going for a walk today.  


Young kids don't need an umbrella and some don't even need rain gear.  What fun to play in the puddles!  


I guess we will just watch it from inside today and tomorrow and pray for protection around our home when the bad storms start to show up.  Please keep praying for Sparks505.  Lee hasn't posted a daily bulletin in about a week and her health hasn't been good.   Thanks!  


03/05/2023 03:01:06

Good morning my dear friend: Happy Sunday! Enjoy it a lot... Take care! Kisses.

03/05/2023 00:48:51

03/03/2023 10:22:06


Another day to celebrate and to share your smile, your purpose and your dreams with others.  Another day to celebrate life after the storms!  


Remember you never know what someone else is going through or why they are unhappy.  


Friends are such an important part of our life.  I am blessed to have you as my friend.  


I want you to know that you are in my prayers and I thank Jesus for your friendship every day.  


Goodness, Happiness, and Angels were all around last night just as they are every minute of every day and night.   Please keep Sparks505 in your prayers as she hasn't posted her bulletins in 2 days.  Thank you!


03/02/2023 10:56:10


Good Morning!  Would you like to go on my walk with Jesus this morning?  There is so much to see.  


All the animals are out saying Good Morning to each other too.  


These two look like our Carly.  She chased a bunny rabbit out from under the storage building but it was still faster than she was and got away.  


Butterflies are checking out the flowers on our walk today and of course they are both orange.  


There are other colors too as these Passion Flowers are showing off.  I sure hope you enjoyed our walk and will come again with me soon.  Please say a prayer of protection today as Texas is expecting possible tornadoes and hail with our storms moving through.  


03/01/2023 12:10:44


Mom to Cam shared this one with me and I couldn't not share it with you.  Thanks Lisa!  


Last week, Lubbock had 70 mph winds most of the day.  Yes, their yard is full of tumbleweeds again.  


I know some still have snow and cold temperatures.  We had rain this morning (almost 2/10") and are once again completely overcast and dreary.  Tomorrow they are warning of tornadoes and hail in the DFW area.  


I just walked around outside to take these pictures.  Things are popping up all over at my house.  So I hope these beautiful colors help cheer you up today with lots of Blessings and Hugs coming your way!  


02/27/2023 03:17:49

Hello my dear friend, have a fantastic start to the week! Happy Monday!! I send you kisses.

02/26/2023 14:37:36


02/26/2023 11:18:08

Hello. Happy Sunday. It is snowing hear in Maine.

It has been so cold. Staying warm.

Please stay warm and enjoy hot chocolate.

I hope you have a great day. God Bless you.

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