A nice cool 31 for the temp at the moment. Sun is shining and a slight breeze. A great day to run some errands. But first must finish up my flavored french vanilla with some coffee mate creamer called snickers. May everyone have a very nice day being ever so kind to yourself. Smiles Gloria
happy tuesday...very fall like here, had a visit from some wild turkeys this morning...good thing i had already filled the bird feeders, i always put some on the ground for the doves...so they were pretty happy, the blue jays on the other hand not so much, they sure can make a racket...wishing you a nice day...mk
May you have a pleasant day. Sunshine is with us today which always brings a smile to ones face and joy in ones heart. I am just going to take what this day will give me and be flexable.
I do believe I need to have another cup of coffee and or tea to make my day even more special. Take care and have a nice day. Smiles Gloria.
Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower. -- Albert Camus