Good evening to you. Hope your day has been kind to you. We have been receiving snow these past few days and tonight with the winds blowing it is causing blizzard conditions all around us. Toasty warm in the home drinking some flavored coconut mango tea from Stash as the temp will drop to around 27 below F.for over night. Abit chilly I would say. Do have a great day tomorrow and will do the same. Smiles Gloria
A blessed evening to you. The cold spell has now left. In the 20's above mark for tomorrow. Sounds heavenly. Then the snow will be coming down for many days starting Sunday. Looking like winters I remember years ago. Warms my heart and puts a smile on my face.
A pleasant evening to you. So far tonight it is 31 below and will be going down to 38 below for the low over night , thank heavens there is not much of a breeze. Toasty warm in the home. These are winter days up north. Hopefully February will be warmer. Take Care, be warm and be safe. Do have a nice day tomorrow for I sure will doing this and that during my moments. Smiles Gloria.
we are having a winter storm's so pretty..but i don't have to go anywhere...wishes to you for a happy monday...and a nice start to this last week of january...hugs
Wow I am having a heat wave of 4 below at the moment this morning. Plus the sun is glistening on the snow . What a breathtaking site to see. May you have a glorious weekend. Smiles Gloria