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06/24/2021 10:16:44

wishing you a lovely

summer day...happiness

and hugs..marykay

06/23/2021 09:03:50

good morning! hope all is well

with you. wishing you a lovely

mid-week...much love..mk

06/21/2021 08:05:11

some monday cuteness..mk

06/18/2021 09:28:52

here's hoping your week went well. and you have a wonderful week-end..hugs..mk

06/14/2021 10:40:26

good morning! yesterday i threw a birthday party

for my grandson, who is now living with me, and

the weather was just perfect. he invited 25 of his friends

i was'nt to sure about having that many kids at my house,

but they were all very well behaved and seemed to

have a good time. my grandson was so happy.

hope your week has a nice start, and you have

a lovely monday...hugs..marykay

06/11/2021 06:58:55

06/04/2021 12:09:45

have a lovely friday


06/02/2021 09:17:44

wishing you a lovely

wednesday...much love


05/30/2021 08:48:08

good morning! hope you are having

a nice week-end..mk

05/27/2021 10:47:05

wishing you a peaceful

and sunny day..mk

05/25/2021 10:28:44

05/22/2021 09:02:45

05/17/2021 10:13:13

have a lovely start to this

new week..hugs..mk

05/15/2021 09:55:12

have a relaxing week-end


05/13/2021 09:54:10

05/10/2021 08:53:15

good morning! hope all is well with you

and you have a nice start to this

new week...mk

05/04/2021 11:02:42

05/01/2021 10:17:53

wishing you a wonderful week-end..mk

04/27/2021 09:49:49

hi there! flew in to wish

to wish you 

happy tuesday..mk

04/22/2021 09:04:34

happy earth day..mk

04/20/2021 08:42:44

04/14/2021 11:02:46

i really want to start my garden, but the weather here is so unpredictable...in fact we still might get some snow. i've started a few plants in the house...waiting patiently..lol

04/09/2021 10:32:54

04/07/2021 09:51:48

04/05/2021 10:37:03

hope you had a nice easter, the weather at least here was just beautiful! happy monday wishes to you...much love mk

04/03/2021 11:01:06

wishing you a lovely easter..mk

04/03/2021 10:11:18

04/02/2021 08:11:04

03/30/2021 10:34:51

good morning, i hope all is well with you. it's been quite chilly here for the last week, but today close to 70...yea! but this is michigan and our weather could change. so not expecting these temps to last. wishing you a lovely tuesday..hugs..marykay

03/27/2021 09:44:10

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