Hi Sis how are you doing?. Wishing you a wonderful and safe Halloween!!
It is rainy today and a cold front is moving in where I am in upstate New York USA. But most of the trick and treaters were aware of it, so parties were held last weekend. I heard on the news that some were thinking of moving Halloween!! How do you move a Holiday lol.
Holloween was so named really All Hallows Eve way back in the day... which was the day before All Hallows Day which when this was started a l ong time ago Hallows were Holy or Saints Day which then became All Saints day. But somewhere a long the line All Hallows Eve became Halloween and All Hallows Day became All Saints Day, as the language changed. The day after All Saints Day which is the 1st of November, then the 2 nd of November is all Souls Day. That was a day that the Catholic church prayed for those that have departed and are in purgatory.
May you have a wonderhul and very safe Halloween and rest of the week too. Love Hugs and PRAYERS Sis Connie