We turned freezing cold after a nice warm Thanksgiving weekend and this morning some snow flakes. There's supposed to be another round by the end of the week. Around here if you need anything from the store you'd better go before it hits or you just do without. They don't salt any roads here until we get to the highway.
I hope your weekend has been a good one so far! It's supposed to be nice here for the next few days and then the bottom falls out with rainy days and cooler temps. I've decided not to have Thanksgiving dinner this yr with all that's going on. I'm hoping things will be better by Christmas but it sure doesn't look like it. Anyway I've decided to go ahead and start getting my decorations out next weekend and little by little get things looking more like Christmas around here. Before we know it we'll be in a new year and I hope it's a better one than 2020 has been. I'm going to enjoy this nice sun shiny day and hope your day is a good one!