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12/06/2018 06:52:32

getting christmas cards done today and doing some baking...hope you are enjoying this wonderful time of year...hugs

12/05/2018 10:04:07

wishes to you for a pleasant day...hugs

12/04/2018 21:19:49

12/04/2018 10:52:49

have a lovely day my friend...hugs

12/04/2018 06:37:05

12/03/2018 09:05:17

don't you just love this time of year? wishing you a pleasant day...hugs

12/01/2018 09:35:06

happy december! hope your day is happy and sunny...hugs

11/30/2018 08:24:17

good morning! enjoy your friday...hugs

11/29/2018 09:10:18

wishing you a lovely day...hugs

11/28/2018 08:12:35

sammy seems to be ok, talking and acting his old self (crazy)..lol...pretty cold here today...so sending you some warm hugs

11/27/2018 16:53:26

it's been a long day so far...last night my parrot got outside, it took me until 3oclock this morning to find him, thank god i got his wings cliped so he could'nt fly very far. i have been using warm towels on him all day, looks like he will be alright...he's in his cage with his sister eating now...not really sure how he got out, i probably accidently left his cage unlocked, and when i went out to fill up the bird feeders he snnuck out..i was so scared he would'nt make it, he was so cold..i've had him since i was in college...love him so much...well enough of my drama, hope your day went well, and you have a nice evening...hugs

11/26/2018 13:07:24

well we got snow but not quite what they predicted, it's so pretty...starting to decorate the house ...but too early for a tree. i always get a real one . the cats will sure be happy when i put it up...lol...hope your week starts out good for you...hugs

11/26/2018 07:08:16

Good morning..see you are in SC. I am in N.C..l.wanted to say hello. Visited the forums this morning and posted there on yours. I have been writing (hobby) for many years,,,mainly devotions,,have had many published in local publications. Wishing you a blessed week.

11/25/2018 09:32:30

waiting for the snow, they are saying 8 to 12 inches...don't have to go anywhere so let it snow...hope your sunday is a pleasant one...hugs

11/24/2018 09:16:19

good morning! hope your thanksgiving was a joyful day, i certainly ate way too much food. now we are on to christmas...don't you just love this time of year? wishing you a really happy day...hugs

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