Good morning. It is 65*F heading to 72*, with rain for several hours. Nothing planned as I replenished chocolate milk and bananas yesterday. I shall spend the day in solitude in the Fortress of Solitude most likely. I am on a countdown to July 3rd for the dental appointment. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Good morning. It is a cool 58° this morning. In my house, I have awakened to 77°. I am resisting aerating the house until after my exercise which shall begin in about an hour. I have looked across the street at the house that was assailed yesterday morning by creatures of the night. There is no sign of trouble as I suspect the woman is hermetically sealed into her house. For now, it looks like the drama will not unfold this morning as it did yesterday. I have not decided on an agenda for enjoyment today. By the end of the day, a problem will occur with the exhaustion of chocolate milk. I shall have to make a trip by the very latest tomorrow to Walmart. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Good morning. I looked outside this morning before 3 and across the street stood a woman giving directives to her husband on a plan of attack. Their peace and tranquility was being attacked by a beast, a bat. I think the bat was the size of a refrigerator and according to her, her husband could not leave for work until the danger was eradicated. I have had similar problems in the past where a Pterodactyl would come into my FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE. I am expecting some rain, just a little around 7 this morning. I am currently aerating before my exercise this morning. Seems less humid, so far. About 70 this morning so far and maybe it will drop a few more degrees before the sun shows up. When I went to Walmart yesterday at 6 in the morning, there was a guy there dressed oddly. Unfortunately I did not have a camera and missed the opportunity for a show and tell. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
this horse is attacking the child. It is as big as a T-Rex.
Good morning. 82*F at 3 this morning. Difficult for the house to cool down. It is going to drop into the 70s in a couple of hours but only briefly. I am trying to aerate the house now but no cool air is coming in. I got the lawn mowed yesterday. It was more humid than I thought. Noticed it upon completion. I am expecting bad weather today. I may not go for the walk. Game time decision. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
Good morning. I can see the moon for the first time in about a thousand years this morning. Of course there is the usual warning about severe weather. I am also on alert for meteors as I have not seen any dinosaurs in my area lately. Have a good day. Ciao for now and watch your wallet!
The Fourth is going to bring noise again. Even Walmart is in full swing with fireworks.