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03/05/2025 12:14:10

Hope your day has been filled with smiles dear Greg!

03/05/2025 11:44:26

Rain moved thru quickly this morning..sun is already out. A slight cool off tomorrow. Extended forecast shows 80 next Wednesday. Wow.

03/05/2025 11:09:39

This may contain: a quote with flowers on it that says, we all have days where we don't

03/05/2025 10:10:24
Not snowing but ground is white,,windows rattled
all night from wind and today is brutal too.  Fed cats
and Paisley and myself and laid back down in bed..
nothing that has to be done today so can be lazy.
My tummy has been squeamish and gassy several days ..
ate Tums which helped some but woke up with it again
this morning..usually helps to eat something but didmt
work today,
C ya later xo

03/05/2025 09:08:01

03/05/2025 06:44:24

Hello, Wishing you a wonderful day May your  

happiness, day be filled with joy,

 and lots of positive vibes.

Smiles, Hugs  (((((robert)))))

03/05/2025 06:08:20

Hello dear friend Greg, have a fantastic Wednesday! Hugs

03/05/2025 05:39:14

Good Morning!  After the wind dies down there is hope left in our world for a new day.  

It is Ash Wednesday after all.  It means Easter is 6 and 1/2 weeks away.  

Always look for the best especially after you've had a tough time.  

Find a way to do something good each and every day or at least the start of something good.  

We are all praying for Peace and for God's Favor.  

May you also have His Blessings and feel His Hugs because Jesus loves you!  

03/05/2025 04:36:10

Hello,Greg, how the days go by, every day that passes 

we areone day older, hehe, it is a saying from Spain

that TODAY and ALWAYS there is a reason to LAUGH, an

illusion to move forward and start a great

Wednesday, and hundreds of reasons to FIGHT and

be happy, one more day I was passing by here to

greet you, and wish you a great day of peace full

of love, enjoy your little pleasures

that surround you, don't let anyone erase your

smile. If it's being a good day, PAUSE to

enjoy it. It's the best secret of life

I wish you with all my heart, with a big hug

Maria, take care

03/05/2025 01:52:25

hello dear Greg

03/05/2025 01:41:15

Caught up with a couple of your poems... beautiful.  Wednesday Hugs Greg.

03/04/2025 14:43:44

Thank you, my friend!

nightfall wrote:

Lovely page!

03/04/2025 14:38:03

I hope you are having a terrific Tuesday, Greg. Got some work done both indoors and out today and now I'm just relaxing until suppertime. I have potatoes washed ( sweet potato for me, regular potato for Dave) to bake and Dave is going to grill out chicken breasts. It's been a good day here and I hope yours has been, too.


03/04/2025 13:21:21

Cool and clouds have moved in..we will see rain beginning around 2 am Wednesday. Still saying strong winds, but to our favor, since this system moves in so early, the cool (moisture) will win over any severe winds that could cause more problems. Our history here this time of year is when these type storms come in the afternoon and humidity is high. Still the rain will linger for those during their work commute..and most people here can't even drive well on a sunny day. I'm so grateful to be out of this rat race.

03/04/2025 11:16:17

Hello Greg

03/04/2025 10:42:54
Soft rain falling but no hail or winds yet.
Still calling for snow Wed and they say
Kansas City may look like blizzard even tho
not that much snow, the winds will make it
look like blizzard.  never heard of that one before.

03/04/2025 08:39:00


03/04/2025 08:07:30

This may contain: a pink rose sitting on top of a wooden fence next to a quote that says, the best thing about life is that it comes one day at a time

03/04/2025 06:34:31

Hello, good morning friend, waiting

  have the sweetest day. on this tuesday

Hugs - Friendship and friendly kisses

smile to life,((((((robert)))))

03/04/2025 05:22:57

Tuesday is here and that means tacos for lunch.  They are always on sale at Rosa's Cantina!!!  We love sales and discounts.

Now that you have laughed out loud today, share that smile & love with others.  

03/04/2025 05:03:28

Hello,Greg, may your Tuesday begin well with

many successes, friendship is like a rose,

its color is beautiful with its texture, and 

perfume if you don't take care of it, it withers

 like friendship if you don't take care of it, it 

  withers Your laughter is music on the horizon,

 a true friendship,by being very sincere, from heart

 to heart,even in the distance, however far

 you are take care of it, the kilometers

 don't matter, the important thing is that

 you smile at the people who love you no matter

n where they are from, their race doesn't matter

the most valuable thing is their pure and glorious 

soul that encourages you and is always present in

your life, take care of yourself and smile with joy

maria, take care of yourself

03/04/2025 01:51:05

Hi friend Greg, happy tuesday!   Kisses for you.

03/04/2025 01:07:44

buongiorno caro Greg

03/03/2025 18:22:58


03/03/2025 15:47:39

03/03/2025 13:33:09

1st Monday of 1st week of a new month.
I sure hope this new year slows down,
unlike last year! *hugs*

03/03/2025 13:28:38

03/03/2025 13:04:08

03/03/2025 11:33:54

A chilly start here, but slowly warming up. Got errands done and back home by 11 am. Enjoy the day. ☘️☘️☘️

03/03/2025 11:18:52

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