Eltérő az idő az országban. Nálunk sütött a nap, délutánra beborult. Az éjszakák hidegek, még lesznek is egy darabig. Tél van.Sajnos a levegő minősége nem jó. Vigyázz magadra.
Szép estét, vidám reggeli ébredést majd tartalmas, örömteli napokat kívánok. Ölelésem, Éva
"Minden nap amit választasz, azzal teremted a jövődet."
I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday. It is cold (30s) and wet here again today. So I did my midweek cleaning routine and Dave took care of the outdoor "farm" chores. Waiting on the dryer to buzz so I can fold a load and put another one in. After the laundry is done, so am I. Greg, my project is coming along just fine. I think crocheting is my favorite hobby.
It is a gray Tuesday here and I'm drinking my coffee as I write, just waiting for the rain to start. A cold, bone chilling rain at that. Strange temperature swings. 80* Sunday, 40* today. Going to be a lazy couple of days but that's ok. Once spring arrives there will be loads of outdoor activities happening so I'll rest while I can. Have an awesome day, dear Greg!