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02/11/2025 01:38:19

Hello dear friend Greg...have a nice Tuesday! Kisses

02/10/2025 19:13:42

Good Night Greg :-)

02/10/2025 15:35:39

Sunny, but cooler today..rain moves in early am. 

02/10/2025 13:48:25

02/10/2025 13:44:09

I am having a very good Monday and I hope the same goes for you. It is much cooler today and the clouds are taking over. Rain is expected for a couple days this week. I have managed to get several things accomplished today, only one of which I actually set out to do. Yay me! Have a great afternoon and evening. Greg, did you watch.  the game? I was pulling for the Eagles since they are another PA team. I don't normally, of course, being a Steelers fan. But the Chiefs won two years in a row and it was someone else's turn. Maybe it's female logic? Anyway, it was a good game if you were an Eagles fan.

Sent with hugs~


02/10/2025 12:49:27

Happy New Week!

Be strong enough to let go and 

wise enough to wait for what you deserve...

Wonderful evening to you my friend.


02/10/2025 11:50:38

02/10/2025 09:51:01

Howdy Greg, thank you! Hope your week is good too.

02/10/2025 08:34:58

02/10/2025 08:23:56

Kedves Barátom!

Ismét eltelt egy hétvége. Remélem élményekkel teli volt? Nálunk napsütéses az idő, de éjszakára erősen lehűl a levegő. Vigyázz magadra.

Szeretettel teli, eredményes új hetet kívánok számodra. Ölelésem, Éva








"Semmi sem szebb és semmi sem hasznosabb az ember egész mulandó életében, mint a könyvek olvasása.''

Miron Costin


02/10/2025 08:16:57

This may contain: a woman holding a flower in her hand with the words i wish you a blessing

02/10/2025 08:07:15

Good Morning Greg :-)  Not looking forward to the bad weather that is coming our way..Keep warm and safe

02/10/2025 07:42:15


02/10/2025 06:46:42


02/10/2025 05:37:24

Hello, good start to the week, have a wonderful time,

beautiful, and happy, so may your day be full of smiles,

with friendship, your friend, (((((robert)))))

02/10/2025 05:28:18


Here we are at the start of another new week.  This week is all about Love!  


However, every week should be about love.  Have you seen the prices for flowers?  


I would love it if you would join me in a cup of Hot Cocoa and visit for a while.  


Remember in school when you would trade Valentine cards with all the girls and boys?  


Do you remember your first kiss?  


Let's celebrate all the love that we have shared with others this week.  


02/10/2025 05:23:02

Magical Monday and have a good week, Greg.  Hugs

02/10/2025 03:07:24

Hello,Greg, may your Monday start well.

Friendship is the purest love.Brothers are not

always friends,but friends will always

 be brothers.A good friend is someone with whom 

you can think out loud. A friend is someone

 who does not discriminate against you for

what you do, but also does so with you.true

friendship endures time and distance.

Thank you for your friendship.kisses,maria

02/10/2025 01:27:30

good morning dear Greg

02/09/2025 23:27:13

nightfall wrote:

Good morning Jackie, wishing you a beautiful Sunday.

Currently Crushing On.
Blessed Be..*Hugs*

So glad the Eagles beat those Chiefs! Yes!  I know the Bills were glad too, but wish they were in the game.  Oh well.  

02/09/2025 21:27:28

Bouncing into Monday! (fyi Valais Blacknose sheep) 🐑

02/09/2025 17:33:21

We saw 78 degrees today..waiting on rain for most of the week. With that, we will probably be hearing lawn mowers crank up soon. One day closer to Spring🙂

02/09/2025 13:01:04

I have started a blue and white throw, Greg. I think your wife and I would have been good friends. We could have put a hurting on the yarn industry, for sure. 

nightfall wrote:

I'm with you Darci. Just little stuff today. I wonder what you will make when you pick up yur needles. My late wife loved to make afghans.

02/09/2025 12:58:03

Have a peaceful Sunday, Gfeg! If I tell you  it is 77* and sunny at the moment, will you hate me? If so, would you hate me less if I told you tomorrow is to be only 48*?

02/09/2025 12:23:35

May be a doodle of text that says 'Good LAfternoon the~God Loves u-p Blessings page From my House to Yours HAVE SA PEACEFUL JOYFUL &AND GET READY FOR AN AMAZING Afternoon Lots LotsofLove of Love &Hugs Lord may your spirit lead me and guide me through this afternoon....'

02/09/2025 11:58:16

Thank you, Greg:)
Have a sweet Sunday filled
w/smiles! *hugs* -di

02/09/2025 09:49:56

Dreary.. feels like rain kinda day and only 27F with 30s high..cold all week
forecast with snow chance wednesday.

Woke up at 5 AM and went to bathroom and decided to make pot of 
tea.  Then got chicken thighs from freezer and put in crockpot.
Fed paisley some chicken pieces and juice and she didnt eat much.
Put out dry  food for outside cats and when back inside ,
heard a mewing and found Gray Daddy sitting by door full of
chicken from Paisleys plate!  He went outside and MeaN Twin 
started sniffing him ,,,guess she could detect his "chicken 
breath",.,Now am warning Paisley she'd better eat her food
or Ill give it to Gray Daddy.
Got frig cleaned out of leftovers but still quite a few to eat up!
Can have noodles, rice, mac n  cheese and mashed taters to go
with chicken thighs tonight.

Cookies baked yday(cocoanut, oatmeal,pecans) are good and recipe
was large and made 4 dozen.

Enjoy a lazy Sunday xo

02/09/2025 08:16:55

𝓗𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓸 𝓶𝔂 𝓭𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓖𝓻𝓮𝓰!


02/09/2025 07:56:50

By a different take I mean I see the beauty in them.

02/09/2025 07:56:12

Good Morning Greg!  Its a nice family type show..I have never been around horses but I sure have a different take on them after watching the show..Have a good day

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