just letting u know how im doing from the surgery .my arm is still hurting .but it getting better. thinking about my friends on here .i took some days off of work . i try to go back on sunday just hurt a lot . love u and miss u all. from miss whisler.
Sunny and warm today..75 mid afternoon. Of course next week we'll see 40's again. Was able to get some leaves raked yesterday. Planning on putting grass seed in the back yard maybe end of March or early April. I've got lenten roses already blooming. Won't be long till the lawn mowers will be roaring..
I hope we both have a marvelous Monday and a wonderful week, Greg. In my area we will have a bit of spring. False spring. Too early for the real deal just yet.
Szerencsésen hazaértünk, nagyon jól éreztük magunkat.Napsütéses időnk van jelenleg, de ismét csökken a hőmérséklet. Sebaj, hiszen most van tél.Vigyázz magadra.
Vidám hétfőt, eredményes hetet jó egészséget kívánok. Éva
Az az ember, aki vak a természet szépségeire, az élet örömeinek csak a feléből részesül.
Beautiful weather today (Sunday)..spent some time outside..a nice change given our prior weather. Looks like 70's most of the week. I'm sure cold temps will return..looking at extended forecast, next Monday 49.
"Away is good but home is best." (Swedish proverb). Groundhog says there are 6 more weeks of winter-good reason for me to stay home & be cozy. Feeling grateful I have a home; help those who do not.💗