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01/24/2025 10:15:17

Blessed weekend My Friend.

01/24/2025 09:53:49

Good friends and Fridays go together so well, don't you think, Greg? Have a great day as we get ready for the weekend. 

Sent with hugs!

01/24/2025 08:29:38

Good Morning Dear Greg!

01/24/2025 08:09:41




01/24/2025 05:50:52


My wish for you this Friday is that your temperatures have warmed up.  


For your weekend, I wish you loads of sunshine to put smiles on everyone's faces.  


We know that Old man Winter is not done with us yet as Spring is not just around the corner.  


But I hope you see lots of birds and animals today that are out enjoying the warmer weather.  


I pray that if you do still have roads covered in ice and or snow that your travels are blessed and you make it home safely.  


Have a wonderful Friday and a fun yet restful weekend.  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam. 


01/24/2025 04:51:49

hello,good morning, may your friday be great

enjoy it your way with new smiles

and happiness, kisses, and hugs, for you 


01/24/2025 03:46:40

Hi friend Greg, have a fantastic Friday! Hugs

01/24/2025 02:30:39

Hello,Greg, I send you all my positive energy,

I hope you have a great and successful 

weekend,the best gift you can give is

 to transmit your joy, with the desire

to live, to have the best time you can,

as you wish, live with positivity and optimism,

and happiness will always be present

in your life, I wish you good times,

full of great successes, hugs,

Maria, take care--------------

01/24/2025 02:22:36

ciao caro amico Greg

01/24/2025 01:08:59

Enjoy your weekend and stay warm, Greg.  Hugs

01/23/2025 22:29:49

Wishing you a wonderful weekend....sorry have not been on my Audrey Hepburn pages....Had to have foot surgery in Nov....just now able to get around....all is good....just a slow recovery...Hope you are well & staying Warm & safe....Hugs Lorri

01/23/2025 14:04:50

My thankfulness today is that the weatherman says it will warm up this weekend to more normal temperatures. Like so many of us in the throes of Mother Nature's cold snap, I feel like I haven't been warm for days. I am looking forward to having 50* again! Enjoy your afternoon, Greg. Tomorrow's Friday!

Feelin' like a popsicle~


01/23/2025 13:35:54

This may contain: a painting with roses on it and the words life is only traveled once, today's moments

01/23/2025 12:00:00

01/23/2025 11:59:20

Currently 34..slowly warming up, and we should see 40 late afternoon. There was still ice on one edge of curb by driveway this morning.

01/23/2025 09:22:03

Back steps tell the story.  I've been very careful navigating them. 

View out back.  The kettle is an old cast iron sugar kettle...used to make cane syrup back in the day. 

We made a REAL snowman but should have made one sooner. It was hard to make one with the "crusty" snow. 

a highway under there somewhere. lol. Thankfully traffic was minimal.
Most folks had the good sense to stay home but there are the rednecks
(US TOO) that will  be out on four wheelers and such. haha.

01/23/2025 08:54:01

Good Morning Greg, sharing some snow photos. By the way, it still hasn't melted! I feel like I woke up in a  Christmas card. lol.  To answer your question, no I've never seen this much at once. In 1989 we had 2 inches fall right before Christmas and it didn't melt for 3 days. This time we got approx 4 and 1/2 inches. Some of my area got as much as 6 inches.

Birdbath full of snow near the woods.

Hubby trekking through the snow to check things out front.

Front view of my house.

01/23/2025 07:36:29


01/23/2025 04:53:29


One day closer to the weekend and warmer weather.  


As the days are flying by, would you like to sit and have some coffee and cookies?  


I know we can't slow time down but just think of the things we could talk about and the memories we could make.  


We can solve the problems of the world and share our dreams of the future.  


We can always cheer each other on toward the finish line.  


Now get ready for the best time of your life as we share our Blessings & Hugs with each other.  


01/23/2025 02:59:53

Hello,Greg, good morning, may you start 

good Thursday,very special and lovely, like

your friendship,it already smells like the

 the end of the week, the days go by quickly, it 

feels like  we are ending it, because ahead of us,

we have the best to inspire and be able to

dedicate lovely words to those we love,and

wish the best and fill our day with joy,

peace, love and happiness,big hugs, Maria,

take care,kisses-----------

01/23/2025 02:18:15

Hello sweet friend Greg, have a nice Thursday! Lots of kisses

01/23/2025 01:40:08

ciao caro Greg

01/22/2025 16:53:03

nightfall wrote:

Good morning Jackie, wishing you a wonderful Wednesday.

Winter Scenery Pictures | Download Free ...
Blessed Be..*Hugs*

Come on 32 degrees!!  We both could use that about now lol  Oh the fun of January in the North 

01/22/2025 16:07:20


I hope you have a very Blessed evening!  Pam

01/22/2025 13:16:14

Currently 31 at 2:15 pm. We got just a dusting of snow late yesterday. With the freezing temps, it made quite a mess for early commuters. Though many area businesses and schools shut down for the day. I believe by early next week we wioo see low 60's. Quite a change indeed.

01/22/2025 11:32:43

Hello Greg, so we got so much snow here. At least it seems like a lot of snow to me. We got between 4 and 5". It began falling yesterday evening about 5. I kept waiting for it to stop but it didn't. 😄🤔'll be sharing some pics on here soon.I've used up  almost all the room I had left on my phone taking photos. Lol. Have a good Wednesday and stay warm.

01/22/2025 11:28:09

Brownies are yummy...Little warmer today..20s this morning and high of 30 something

01/22/2025 11:25:17

It is a sunny, cold midweek for me, Greg. The sun is such a welcome sight. The little bit of snow we got is melting quickly even though the temperature is just in the 20s F. Went out to refill my window bird feeder a bit ago. I'm enjoying seeing the many birds eating at our diner outside the front windows. Very entertaining. Bill the Squirrel and his girlfriend, Bernadette, have their own feeder and they are a treat to see, too. Hope your day is wonderful and you accomplish all you intend to.

Snowy hugs and smiles~


01/22/2025 10:52:54

01/22/2025 08:43:49

Happy new day Greg..

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