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03/01/2025 20:36:30

We reached 74 today...tomorrow 52. It was nice being outside mid day. Got my butterfly bush (tree) pruned. It will grow to 7 foot again. My neighbor who moved to skilled nursing last summer..she gave me this plant end of 2015. Told me exactly where to plant it. It's done great. Hope your weekend is wonderful.

03/01/2025 18:37:43


03/01/2025 15:43:02

I use Mac but I think yours is the only one I can't see right now.  It is strange that you can see it and I can't.  Oh well, as long as others see it, I know how to get around it.  No worry!  

nightfall wrote:

I can't figure out why it's happening. When I go to my page the box for the guestbook shows clearly to me. I wonder what is going on.

03/01/2025 13:52:32

Wonderful weekend wishes! Dave and I have been outside working. It's a very pleasant day of 72* with a nice breeze. I was enjoying the fresh air and exercise (though yard work often feels more like fun than exercise) until my allergies kicked in. We were done with our work, thankfully. How is your day, Greg? 

Sent with hugs~


03/01/2025 13:13:29

#MarchBlessings #MarchQuotes #March2024 #March #MarchImages #MarchPics #Quote #MyVibe #NewMonthQuotes #NewBeginnings

Dies enthält ein Bild von:

Dies enthält ein Bild von:

Hello and thank's for being my friend! 

Happy Weekend !

Wishing you A Wonderful 

New Month Of March.

Hugs & love,Amelie

03/01/2025 11:17:33


CONTINUED more Friday pictures.  


Roosters just can't resist saying "Good Morning, are you enjoying the sunshine?"  "Where is our food this morning?"  


The word is out and spreading fast that you are here to feed all of us!  


"Good Morning, snort, snort!" says Wilber or Big Daddy.  I am heading for the cool water on the ground as soon as you scratch my neck.  ( I can only take so many pictures on FaceTime but that is where he went.) 


Good Morning Mamma Charlotte!  Do you need some love too?  


Oh and Good Morning Momma Molly!  I know you miss your babies but they all have such good homes with kids who are loving them!  


One more trip around the yard to get your exercise.  Now start looking for bugs to clean up the yard and enjoy the warm sunshine to make your day magnificent.  Yes, I was sweating by the time I went back inside and it felt so very good!  


I love taking  and getting pictures (I know you can tell) and sharing my most wonderful memories with you and I love to go back and look at them often.  I hope you have a collection of your own to warm your heart!  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

03/01/2025 10:46:45

I took a screenshot.  I can see the VIP line up above but can't see the Profile line.  I just go by feel and I know it is near the middle.  I can see the cursor change to a pointer.  

nightfall wrote:

Oh dear. I hope my guestbook is showing now.

03/01/2025 10:44:26

The wind is cold in Wonderland, but the robins & red-winged blackbirds are making appearances. Spring will follow!
Have a great week! 🌱

03/01/2025 10:37:00

40s now but 20 earlier.  least is sunny. havev pork chops and veggue so no cooking needed today,,like days like that.

03/01/2025 09:53:53

This may contain: winnie the pooh birthday card with an image of a teddy bear holding a heart

03/01/2025 08:42:44

Good Morning Greg, love your green page! Happy Saturday.

03/01/2025 08:26:04

03/01/2025 08:21:01

Good Morning Greg

03/01/2025 08:03:53

𝓖𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓖𝓻𝓮𝓰!


03/01/2025 08:03:38

No forgotten.

03/01/2025 08:03:00

Hello there.  Not forgotten just unable.  TTYL. Cheekydee

03/01/2025 06:55:06

Hello, my dear, friend, I hope that you, 

     day, be incredible, I wish you a beautiful Saturday

    full of laughter, relax and enjoy the rest of

the night.with friendship,(((((robert)))))

03/01/2025 06:53:19


03/01/2025 05:33:47

I usually click on guestbook but I couldn't see it on your page.  I posted and the went back and just felt with my mouse where it should be and YES, I found it.  Happy Saturday Greg!  

03/01/2025 05:31:34


Happy Caturday but today is Saturday!  And it is more about my dogs, AGAIN!   It is also about our BEAUTIFUL sunshine in Texas.


It is also the first day of March!  Can you believe it???  


I couldn't resist taking this of Carly and her shadow. Carly has been with us since 2018.  As I sat in the rocking chair on the patio for over 2 hours on Friday with the warm sunshine on me too.  


Reba came out to join us all as she strolled the backyard to make sure we were all safe.  Reba has been with us since 2013.  All our dogs are rescued.


J Lo was napping in the sun and guarding the doggie door so no one could get past her without the password.  J Lo has been with us since 2014.  


The password was to call her name! She is really a cutie patootie!  Next adventure in pictures from Friday later today, I hope, from our over an hour on FaceTime with my daughter, Wendy.  


I hope you have signs of March and Spring around you and are enjoying them.  Blessings & Hugs!  Pam

03/01/2025 04:34:17

Hello dear friend Greg, have a nice weekend...

Lots of kisses

03/01/2025 04:29:16

Welcome March! Happy new month!

Saturday at last! Happy weekend !


03/01/2025 04:01:51

Hello my beautiful friend,Greg, I am passing by

your lovely house and I want to leave you

with my best wishes for Saturday and the weekend, 

that joy runs through your body and smiles 

sprout on your face, doing what you like most,

with good company of your loved ones, today 

sweep away all the bad that happened to you, so

 that, it does not matter if it rains or is sunny,

the important thing is to have a great time, 

do it your way, I send you a big hug,

I will arrive at your house at tea time

and some delicious pastries will ring in your

house knock knock and you open the door and I will

bring you a bouquet of flowers take care maria

03/01/2025 02:08:35

buon weekend caro Greg

02/28/2025 21:09:11

02/28/2025 13:20:36

Kedves Barátom!

Péntek este van és vége a télnek. Holnapi nappal elkezdődik a meteorológiai tavasz. Nagyon vártuk már.

Kellemes estét és csodás hétvégét kívánok sok szeretettel.

Holnaptól nem leszek, a lányomékhoz utazom több napra. Jelentkezem, ha visszajöttem. Vigyázz magadra, vidám napokat! Ölelésem, Éva







"A csöndet szeretem, meg a virágot, Galambok közt, virágos szigeten békés családi kör az álmom. Derű és nyugalom, parányi házban... Az élet szép. Tenéked magyarázzam? Szeressük egymást! Isten arra rendelt."

Heltai Jenő


02/28/2025 12:44:54

Feel free to come sit on our patio in the sunshine any time.  I was sweating by the time I came back in today.  It was a wonderful feeling.  I love hot sunshine which is why I was out there for over 2 hours.  You are always welcome here.  

nightfall wrote:

They say 50 today. 20's for highs on the weekend. A little snow tomorrow. No pollen here yet. It has been one cold Winter. Brrrrrr

02/28/2025 11:54:11

A but cooler today, but sunny skies prevail. Sunday we will see 57. Got a bit of rain Wednesday afternoon. Another chance same time next week..which always tends to coincide with my chiropractor appt. Our lawn is turning green. Spring is slowly making an appearance. Enjoy the weekend...🙂

02/28/2025 11:40:30

yeah weather is roller coaster,,is 65f here and sunny but colder temps coming and maybe rain mon tues wed,,march is always  a question for snow too  lol

02/28/2025 11:10:16

Hello on this beautiful Friday, the last day of February. Tomorrow begins meteorological spring. My daffodils are blooming and my tulips and hyacinths are up. So nice to have some cheerfulness and color coming back to the world. Have a wonderful day as we head into our weekend, Greg. 

Sunshine and smiles~


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