További szép napokat kívánok a hétre. Az idő nagyon változatos, ma nálunk eső esett, de már nem annyira hidegek az éjszakák! Kellemes estét, jó éjszakát! Vigyázz magadra, ölelésem:Éva
"Ne elégedj meg azzal, ami vagy, hanem törekedj azzá válni, ami lehetnél."
We have made it to midweek! How's your week been so far, Greg? It is a perfect day here and I'm accomplishing much. 70* F and sunny. Getting my household work done so I can spend time outside this afternoon. My daughters are all lamenting the fact that they are at work and can't play outdoors on such a beautiful day. I will enjoy some sunshine on their behalf. Think they'll notice? LOL
Looks like 73 today...same as yesterday. I enjoyed sitting on the front porch swing Kate afternoon. Soaking up the sunshine and natural vitamin D..does wonders for a good nights sleep. Pop up shower late tomorrow showing in the forecast...we need rain though. Have a wonderful Wednesday...🙂☕️🙂
Greg, I know it is too soon to expect this weather to stay just yet but, WOW, is it perfect. A beautiful preview of what's to come. One must take full advantage of the days that aren't icy cold or sticky hot and humid. Seems here in the south, those ideal days don't last nearly long enough. I've been outside working a bit and, guess what? Pollen is starting. My sneezes can well as my weather man and his pollen report. But did I mention it's gorgeous and 70*?
It' 64 degrees currently at 11:15 am. Should see 70 by late afternoon. I'll be heading out shortly for a few errands. Will be nice to enjoy the sunshine. Got bird seed delivering today, so our birds will be happy once we get their feeders replenished. Enjoy the day...
Hello Greg, warming up some here as Feb. is winding down. Can't say I mind....I'm wanting to plant more flowers. lol. Also I'd like to leave all my current plants outside for good! have a good Tuesday.
Hi Greg, it sounds like the temps are getting better for a lot of us! We made it to plus 33F yesterday and a little higher the day before, so our snow is really melting! Enjoy the warmer weather, my friend!