Felénk most és még jó pár napig borús, párás, ködös az időjárás. Igazi "nem szeretem" idő van sajnos. Lehet, hogy felétek barátságosabb? Vigyázz magadra.
Estére jó pihenést és sok örömöt, vidámságot a hétvége napjaira. Békés hétvégét! Ölelésem, Éva
„Nem mindenki akar téged az életében, akit te szeretnél a sajátodban.
Ne pazarold az energiádat arra, hogy másokat próbálsz lenyűgözni
vagy szívességeket tenni azoknak, akiket valójában nem érdekel,
hogy ott vagy-e vagy sem. Koncentrálj azokra, akik igazán értékelik
a jelenlétedet, és úgy fogadnak el, ahogy vagy. Az élet túl rövid ahhoz,
hogy olyan emberekre vesztegessük, akik nem viszonozzák az erőfeszítéseinket.
Vedd körül magad olyanokkal, akik értékelnek, és minden lépésedben támogatnak.“
Hi there, Greg. What is going on at your home today? It is beautiful here; sunshine and heading to low 50s. I've done my outside chores and I''m waiting for my sheets to dry so I can remake the bed. Might make an Aldi run later and run by my girls' houses with some things I have for each of them. We'll see. Enjoy your afternoon and have a restful evening.
What a beautiful day we had yesterday at 60°! Happy Friday because even though we may not have as much sunshine, it should be 60° again.
Plants in the garage all got watered. It was so nice not to have the heater on in there as the door opens to the north wind.
Then we had to move the bricks along the bottom of the plastic to get to the temperature device to change the battery. All 4 devices got the batteries replaced.
You want to do it on a warm sunny day with sunshine beating down, not when it is below freezing and you don't know the temperature under there or when to turn the heater on. It was SO humid and hot when I lifted the plastic up. PERFECT for our plants!
We were being proactive since we know the arctic air is on the way (shiver as I type that).
For us life is good when it is warm and the sun is shining brightly and when all our plants are HAPPY! :)
Sunny, but windy today..53 currently. Got the bird feeders replenished about an hour ago. Will fill up the other three on kitchen window this evening. Keep seeing forecasts for very cold days ahead here..mainly Monday and Tuesday...down to teens at night. Then another warm up...time will tell.
Oh! Greg... I snagged your background for my desktop. It's just awesome! I thank you:):) The birds, squirrels & chipmonks are enjoying the warmer morning, scurrying here & there. I love watching them sharing the bird feeders. lol I'm doing chores (dusting, yuck), but enjoying a thankful Thursday. Same for you, my friend. *hugs*