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12/06/2024 13:09:12

12/06/2024 12:56:05

sunny but cold.  Judy here and vacced. gone now and I might take a nap soon... feels good to cozy up under covers and watch tv for a bit.  Stay safe and warm friend! xo

12/06/2024 12:25:37

Sunny skies again and chilly today..looks like we begin a warm up tomorrow, I managed to get the bird feeders filled up. We dropped to 20 last night. How much snow fell there?

12/06/2024 11:27:58





"Az igazi Mikulás ilyen. Figyel, szeret, és ad. Pont úgy, mint te."

Csitáry-Hock Tamás




Köszöntelek kedves Barátom!

Ma ízelítőt kaptunk a télből, ismét esett egy kis hó. A baj csak az, hogy nem fagyos a föld, hamar elolvad. Így a gyerekek sem élvezhetik a szánkózást, hóemberépítést. Hozzánk holnap jönnek a fiamék. Töltsd kellemesen a hétvége napjait, ma estére jó pihenést!

Ádott, vidám adventi hétvégét! Ölelésem, Éva


12/06/2024 09:21:52

This may contain: someone special poem with flowers and leaves on the border, framed in wooden box frame

12/06/2024 08:10:05

Good Morning Greg, cold and breezy here this morning.  Have a good weekend.

12/06/2024 08:01:46


12/06/2024 07:33:14

we will be putting up our little Christmas tree today, the dog in this photo looks like our little dog Maddie... I hope you have a marvelous day Greg!

12/06/2024 06:51:35

Hello, my friend!

thank you for being on my page

and thank you for the friendship.

Wishing you a day full of love and blessings.

Take care and God bless.(((((robert)))))

12/06/2024 06:39:26

12/06/2024 05:23:24

hello,Greg, Good morning, friend, another weekend,

 the days fly by like birds, have 

a great, beautiful day, just like you want,

may no one spoil your day, have a great, beautiful

day, like life, may it smile at you and be

very happy in your own way, and may

you enjoy the weekend full of new emotions,

 with all my best wishes, hugs, take care,

 kisses, Maria,...............

12/06/2024 03:01:59

buongiorno caro Greg

12/06/2024 02:15:36

Hello sweet friend Greg, I hope you have a nice day... Happy Friday! Hugs

12/06/2024 00:02:51

Warm wishes sent your way this weekend, Greg.  Hugs

12/05/2024 19:32:46


12/05/2024 17:16:18

12/05/2024 16:20:50


What a wonderful birthday!  Did you hear all the balloons popping?  


One candle was all that would fit and all that was needed!  


I tried to eat the entire chocolate cake by myself.  Now I am regretting that decision.  


I am sure you don't know what I mean about eating too many sweets!  


Now the doctor says it is ok for me to work on Friday!  WHAT???  


Thank you for celebrating with me!  It was a fun day all around!  


12/05/2024 14:11:52

Well, I had a message written and I magically erased it. GGRRRRR. So I'll just say a quick hello and wish you a great rest of the day, Greg. 

Your "brilliant" friend~


12/05/2024 13:53:01

So far all morning its been flurries.Hfimages

12/05/2024 13:40:57

12/05/2024 12:34:07

Sunny and 60 today..of course tomorrow the high will be 43. Looks like rain chances most of next week.

12/05/2024 12:13:11
sunny BUt only 13f this morning!  supposed to get to 29f later,
Cats are in  the dog house on porch atop comforter in there,,they
usually dont go in but sleep atop it but not in this cold!

Turkey and chicken almost eaten up so must get into freezer
and decide what to fix next.  Have switched from tea to hot
cocoa and is a pleasant change.  Lots of  xmas movies on the
Hallmark channel already,,Judy  loves them but I find most 
are  fairly predictable with few surprises.

12/05/2024 10:06:43

12/05/2024 08:30:05


12/05/2024 07:40:18

Sharing some holiday cheer. Tomte tree in my kitchen. *Always leave them porridge (julgröt) with a pat of butter on top!🍄

12/05/2024 05:47:52

A very special cake from a very special friend.  Thank you Greg as you do mean so very much to me.  

12/05/2024 05:32:28


Today and every day, I am thankful for this day!  


It is a new day and a new beginning with blessings galore!  


Let's take just one step at a time today and see what unfolds before us.  


Start each day with a prayer full of thanks.  


Good things will happen to you, around you and within you today.  


Today is a gift from God!  Please enjoy it and share it!  


12/05/2024 05:11:39

Hello,Greg, good morning, may you start a

good Thursday,very special and lovely, like

your friendship,it already smells like the

 the end of the week, the days go by quickly, it 

feels like  we are ending it, because ahead of us,

we have the best to inspire and be able to

dedicate lovely words to those we love,and

wish the best and fill our day with joy,

peace, love and happiness,big hugs, Maria,

take care,kisses-----------

12/05/2024 02:07:55

ciao caro Greg

12/05/2024 02:05:40

Good morning my beautiful friend Greg...I hope this Thursday is great for you. I send you many kisses.

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