May your day be ever so gentle and kind to you as you go through your moments of the day . Smiles Gloria
I keep the telephone of my mind open to peace, harmony, health, love and abundance. Then, whenever doubt, anxiety or fear try to call me, they keep getting a busy signal — and soon they'll forget my number.
Hi, my friend, I hope you and yours are doing great, in these trying times.
Well..., I ended up getting a different virus (I think... I am really, really suspicious,'cause there is documented evidence this covid19 has been around since November 2019) a week before Christmas. When Covid19 reared it's ugly head, I was home in bed recovering from the weird virus that had hit me, in December. I had a severe, raw, sore throat for 6 days, then it just disappeared and the severe cough and congestion started, that lasted ten weeks. I had no chills, body aches, nor fever (that I am aware of). My nose ran like a faucet, I was choking on the congestion in my chest, and the cough was almost like Whooping/bronchitis coughing, and OTC didn't touch it; no relief and many sleepless nights, and the pervasive fatigue was relentless. So that takes me through the end of February. Through March the symptoms lessened a little every day and I think some of it was seasonal allergies; as the pines & maples started pollinating a month and a half earlier than normal. We had no winter. I have not started up the snowblower in two years now; except to drive it to it's summer location (out of the way) and winter location (next to the back door). Soooo..., I was already hibernating at home and before I was well enough to go out, the call went out to stay home unless it is an emergency. Then, mid March, my New Hampshire Governor closed all businesses (except those few listed as necessary), so I ran out and stocked up (not hoard), the best I could at two grocery stores. They were pretty much picked over. I wiped down (disinfected) everything before putting them away. Then I stripped naked, put everything in the laundry, and took a bath and washed hair, then disinfected car and house. Besides, I didn't have anything else to do, and I still don't have much of an appetite. Everyone is complaining that they are so bored at being stuck in the house, day in and day out... they are over eating and getting fat. I'm a recluse, so I am happier than a pig in mud. You literally have to drag me off my mountain, kicking and screaming. I also have so much work I have to do around here: the clutter is suffocating, I desperately have to down size and put stuff on Ebay, this place has not had a "Spring Cleaning" in decades, and the exterior needs clapboard, window sill, window/house trim, porch, brick-molding, replacement. Then there is the veggie garden, tree/brush removal, veggie garden relocation, chicken fence/house repair and predator deterrent, and barn: complete foundation, roof and door replacement. I hope we all do have to be quarantined strait through to fall, so I don't have to argue with why I don't want to be dragged off my mountain to go visiting, nor people stopping by to wasting my time from getting work done... and I do enjoy doing the work myself. I enjoy being a recluse and doing what I want when I want, or don't want. I live to putter around the house. So I do hope you are well and staying safe, keeping a 6 foot distance minimum from anyone around you, sneeze/cough into a scarf, wash hands all the time, disinfect door knobs (refer., microwave, toilet, bureaus, car, etc.). I really don't need to go out anywhere, but I will be wearing a scarf (hijab) to hopefully protect myself from others germs and hopefully not spread any of my own to others, and we don't recover as well as when we were young, and this virus is vicious and lethal.
So take care everybody, and have a great Palm Sunday, and/or weekend.
Oh, ya... almost forgot... Oprah & Deepak just posted a special 21 Day Meditation... “Hope In Uncertain Times”
I am terrible at meditation... I'm the worst... But I love the intros' by Oprah and then Deepak... the words of encouragement/inspiration just change my day... I am addicted... and the music... reading, “the message of the day”, it all really helps.