My back got so bad that I had to have an overnight stay at the hospital. Still waiting to see how much that's going to set us back; hoping Medicare covers most of it. The upshot of this episode is that we got a new (to us) adjustable bed. I'm still getting used to it but hope it helps prevent future problems with my back.
I don't have a particular day that I do any household chores on, other than changing out the bathroom hand towels and kitchen towels on Mondays (if I remember to--this is something relatively new for me). So I wash clothes whenever one (or more) of the hampers gets full or overflows. My Mom used to have a set of towels that had one of the days of the week on each one and each one had a chore to do on that day. But somehow, I never got into the habit of doing chores on a particular day, as you have with your laundry. I can see how it would work, though, to have the housework better organized. Maybe that's why housewives used to do that (and some still do, I'm sure).
It's so nice that your sister was able to pick up the slack and do so much for you when you were sick, but I know if your sister were to become ill (though I pray she does NOT!!), you would do the same for her. It's so nice that you share a home and are there to be company for each other and to help each other out when it's needful. Lucky for both of you!
I have been caught in the grocery store when a rainstorm moves through, too. I don't mind having myself get wet, but I don't like the groceries to get soaked--especially anything in a cardboard/pasteboard box. If you can wait out the worst of it, it's better for the food and if the rain is cold, it's likely better for you, too. But sometimes it goes on too long and you have to bite the bullet and run like crazy and move as quickly (and safely!) as you can to get those sacks loaded up, the cart returned and yourself (or selves) into the rig. And then you have to hope that your wiper blades will cope with all that rain, too. Yikes, it did sound like you and your sister got caught in a real gully-washer! I hope you were able to warm up and dry off once you got home and that neither of you caught a cold from that particular shopping trip.
Have you ever needed to have a blood draw and the medical practitioner couldn't find a vein? I had that happen last Thursday. Poor guy tried once on each of my inner elbows and called in a co-worker who tried once and they said they didn't want to turn me into a pin cushion, so sent me home with instructions to drink a lot of water before the next attempt as that plumps up the veins. Well, I went in early this morning and the gal put the needle in, moved it around a bit while it was in place and had those two vials of blood pumped out so quick it surprised me! Happy to have that successfully done.
My lilacs are starting to bloom; I hope you have some beautiful flowers opened up where you are for you and your sister to enjoy! Stay healthy and take it easy!
How is life as May approaches? Continued light drizzle here in Wonderland. Jasper is watching the wildlife through the doorwall & is tired of being restricted due to his incision! 🌺
A Monday morning hello! Transition week for me. Hubby wants to move up North (it's a Michigan thing). We got a bid accpeted for a house, but now we have to pack & sell ours. And the deal on the new place could fall through if they receive a better offer while we are selling on our end. So stressful. 🐰
I would like to send greetings to you on this glorious Thursday day. May your day be ever so kind to you as you go through your daily duties. Don't forget to have another cup of coffee and or tea , find time to put your feet up and continue to read another chapter in your book. Smiles Gloria
Be happy, and a reason will come along. ~Robert Brault,
I know spring is not in the air (especially when we have snow on the ground), but I felt like sending some flowers around as a last hurrah to February. The day after tomorrow, it'll be March and I'll be switching my china cabinet over from red items and Valentine-themed things to green and St. Patrick's Day stuff. IF my back is up for it, that is. It's been giving me what-for and I've been trying to keep it from going out on me, so taking it easy has been the way my days are going.
You've lost eleven pounds, huh? Wow, that old "sickie" diet does whittle the weight number, but being so miserable that you're not eating enough isn't so good on the ol' body. It was good to read that you are feeling better now and I hope you're able to keep the weight off, if that's what you need. And congrats on getting a refund with your taxes! I need to copy off some forms so I can do ours and have that mess out of our hair. Whether we'll be paid or have to pay...I won't know until I'm finished, but it's sure nicer to get a refund, isn't it?
When Dennis and I go "to town" (Vancouver, WA, mostly), we go to multiple stores to shop and are away from home for most of the day. So we're pretty much wiped out by the time we get home and get the car unloaded. We tend to put away the perishables and leave the rest for the next day. Den's knees give him fits and my feet get very tired after a long day on those hard floors in town.
With gas prices as high as they are, I bet a lot of folks are only going out to medical appointments or to get groceries or other essentials. I'm thinking it's a pattern developed during Covid that has yet to be broken wide open. I'm wondering if there are any statistics on how many places that depend on tourist dollars lost must be a fortune.
Keep on taking it easy as you get back up to speed after having been ill, my friend. Keep warm and stay safe!