I sure hope you're feeling better and I'm sorry that you were sick on Valentine's Day. No chocolate for you, I suppose? Well, I didn't have any, either. Den gave me two pink-flowering plants (a miniature rose and a primrose) and a Beanie panda holding a heart. I'm pretty sure I can do without the chocolate.
It's rainy here, but we have half of a chance at having some snow in the night. I may or may not wake up to a blanket of white on the ground, but with the electric blanket going, I will stay warm no matter what. I hope that you, too, are keeping warm, safe, dry and that your sister is, too. Have a good week, my friend!
I've been switching over my page to a winter theme with Christmas graphics giving a nod to both "seasons". I would usually have it done before now, but I've been decorating the hoiuse and that has chewed up my time--even with help from my retired hubby. I have my CD player loaded up with Christmas music. Now, that is one thing that I did early, I confess. They were lying in wait at least a week before Thanksgiving.
I'm usually the one who changes the clocks for daylight savings, but I forgot this year until the morning after. By then, the guys had already moved the clocks back except for the one in my office. Hmmmm...maybe I ought to "forget" more often!
We have snow on the ground, but it's from a couple of days ago and has been melting back off and turning into crusty stuff. Our 4" of snow has melted down to 2 or 3 inches. I'm glad the roads are clear so both of our kids have a relatively safe commute. Our next chance for more snow is on Sunday, though they don't expect us to get a lot, it will add to what is already on the ground.
I hope your back is doing better these days. It's really tough when your back is giving you grief, so I hope you're able to rest and let your back heal in its own time.
I sure haven't been seeing my deer this year. I don't know where they've gone off to, but they sure haven't been around. I have a bunch of apples that I have been feeding to the chickens because the deer have been AWOL for so long. Maybe it's because the original Mama Deer that I have fed for years has died...she may have been responsible for bringing the other deer in her herd around and now that she's gone, the other ones have moved someplace else. ?? Every once in a while, a couple of them will come around and I'm happy to give them apple slices and they seem happy to eat them, but it's just not a steady thing like it used to be.
If I don't get back before the holiday, I'm wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas; may it be a peaceful, quiet, but happy time for us all.