My goodness this day just started and it is now going into the afternoon. The Laundry is done and went to the store for groceries. Now it is time to have a nice cup of coffee as I sit back and find that book that I am reading. May you have a peaceful week enjoying your moments . Smiles Gloria
I love old poems, ladies who lived in past times. Life was maybe not easier, but people took time to idle sometime, and mostly they took time admiring a sunrise, the flowers opening their hearts, etc. ~Marie-Ancolie Romanet #oldsoul
May your Monday day be ever so nice to you as your doing your daily duties. We are abit cool up north for we just might make it to 70 for the temp sometime today. Cant believe that July is half over already and it just started. Enjoying all the moments of summer as the late summer flowers are now starting to bloom in the flower beds. Smiles Gloria
Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you — not because they are nice, but because you are. ~Author unknown
May your day be ever so nice to you as you do your daily duties of the day and take some time off to enjoy the moments of the day with a fresh cup of coffee and or tea. We are having very cool temps this week so a nice hot cup of coffee sounds delicious to me right at the moment. Smiles Gloria
Never ask, "What reason do I have to be happy?" Instead ask, "To what purpose can I attach my happiness?" ~Robert Brault,
May you have a glorious day doing this and that and hearing the birds singing. Many nests in the trees this spring so now I am watching the little birds flying around to and fro. It is so cute to watch is off and on as one is doing their daily duties. Smiles Gloria
A Happy Friday day to you. My goodness this week just flew by enjoying the moments of life. I am so excited for we should receive some rain showers today and for the next days. Looking forward to splash in some puddles while singing a song and giggling! Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. ~Author unknown
A glorious Tuesday day to you. Extra warm today so better enjoy some ice tea and or coffee to cool myself and then maybe some refreshing lemonade . Now to find my book and head outside and enjoy the summer breeze for awhile. May you have a very pleasant day. Smiles Gloria
Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you — not because they are nice, but because you are. ~Author unknown
I would like to send greetings to you on this glorious Thursday day. May your day be ever so kind to you as you go through your daily duties. Don't forget to have another cup of coffee and or tea , find time to put your feet up and continue to read another chapter in your book. Smiles Gloria
Be happy, and a reason will come along. ~Robert Brault,
The wind has been blowing these past days so loads of fall leaves are on the ground. Once more is it raking time to pile those leaves and throw oneself onto the pile. Such fun ! Ha Ha
Instead of coffee this morning I have decided to have spot of tea. I am trying for the first time from YOGI tea's an elderberry lemon balm immune & stress blend of tea, as we are at 33 F at the moment, to make my day abit special. May you have a glorious day enjoying your fall day. Smiles Gloria
Perhaps it is while drinking tea that I most of all enjoy the sense of leisure. ~George Gissing, The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, 1903
Once more frost on the rooftops this morning. This is reminding me to finish up the cleaning of the flowerbeds these next few days. But in the mean time I need a nice fresh pot of coffee. Think I will go with the flavor of caramel apple from the New England Coffee brand. May you have a wonderful week and a very nice Monday day. Smiles Gloria
The day after the day that I walk out the front door and the air is crisp, with just a hint of the Autumn days ahead, I put cinnamon in my coffee. ~Betsy Cañas Garmon
Frost on the rooftops this morning. Wow think old man winter is trying to come in the back door and Jack Frost. The leaves are falling and fall is having a grand time these days. I also enjoying this fall season! May you have a very special weekend doing whatever will make you smile and giggle. Smiles Gloria
Which fall lap blanket do you like. For me I love them all, I am a plaid type of a gal and always has been. We are at 39 for the temp on this crisp cool fall day and the wind is having fun blowing the leaves that have fallen from the trees all around the yard. Such a pretty site to see as fall comes in more and more.
May you have a glorious day seeing fall all around you and giving you a giggle at its surprises. Smiles Gloria
A glorious Wed. day to you. Such a surprise I saw at the bird feeder early this morning.
Yes it is a white squirrel and then next came one of the blue jays.
I so do enjoy my bird feeder that gives me joy all day long. Now I need to make myself a pot of coffee to make my day even more special. May you have a very nice day doing this and that during your moments of life. Smiles Gloria
My goodness this week sure flew by fast enjoying the days. May you have a glorious day and weekend. Smiles Gloria
The change always comes about mid-August, and it always catches me by surprise. I mean the day when I know that summer is fraying at the edges, that September isn't far off and fall is just over the hill or up the valley. ~Hal Borland
May you have a wonderful day enjoying the moment. We are at 61 for the temp on this beautiful morning. I have decided to have a refreshing cup of Cherry Blossom green tea to make my day even more special. What ever you will be doing do have a great day. Smiles Gloria
Tea elevates our minds so that we can see our problems from a distance — through the fine mists of contemplation. ~Terri Guillemets
Goodness it feels like fall is trying to come in . A smile is on my face. Cooler day and night temps and I am so happy. The tiger lilies are in bloom in the flowerbeds and they are the last flowers to show up as fall is trying to come in.
My how I love all the 4 seasons and all of its surprises as each season comes into view. May your week be ever so kind to you. Smiles Gloria
Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you — not because they are nice, but because you are. ~Author unknown
My this week is flying by as I am enjoying my moments doing this and that during these summer days. Hope your days are being ever so nice to you as you do your daily duties. Another cool day bring fall into my mind . Found the other day pumpkin jam. Now that sounds interesting for I so do like apple butter jam. Just might give it a try. In the mean time I do believe I need to fill up my coffee cup with some toasted coconut flavored coffee . Smiles Gloria
Pumpkin — seedy sunshine in an autumn bowl. ~Terri Guillemets
The lawn had its hair cut yesterday and for today is laundry and dusting day.
We are at 62 for the temp this morning and just might get to 70. Loving these cooler days while it lasts. Have a glorious day what ever you plan to do. For me my plan is to get my household duties done and then sit back and have another cup of one of many favorite flavored coffees I enjoy, while finding another piece to the puzzle. Smiles Gloria
Common sense and a sense of humor are the same thing, moving at different speeds. A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing. ~Clive James, in The Observer, London, as quoted by The Reader's Digest, 1980