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07/26/2022 11:26:19

I just started this nice summer bird  puzzle  today  as the  rain is coming down off and on this morning. We are at 67 for the temp at the moment. Now where is my coffee cup?  Nice to have coffee to sip on as one finds pieces to the puzzle. I do believe this will be a  nice lazy day doing this and that.  Hope your Tuesday is being nice to you. May you have a glorious week.   Smiles  Gloria

07/25/2022 09:24:54

Such a pretty lily  in my flower garden. Puts a smile on my face seeing all the lilies in the flower bed of many colors that was planted last fall. My goodness saying the world fall we will be heading into August soon.  Really to tell you the truth I am looking forward the fall days.  Hope we are blessed with a long colorful fall season.  Ha, Ha,  I am even wearing today a brown outfit  and have a fall amber orange sweater on for it is 57 for the temp at the moment this morning. Loving these cooler days. In the mean time I'am sipping on a nice cup of coffee.   Have a Glorious Life doing this and that and I will do the same. Smiles  Gloria

07/23/2022 11:21:27

A beautiful day to you.   Just had to share this picture of the bachelor button plants. I use to have them many years back in the flower gardens. A dear friend gave me some seeds  to plant this summer. Looking forward to seeing them once again in the flower garden.  Wonder if there is a poem for the bachelor buttons for they are such a smilie flower .  Think I will look into that thought. May you have a relaxing weekend.  Smiles  Gloria

A flower in a scrapbook
dried as dry can be
but beautiful in its colors
a bookmark to eternity
~Terri Guillemets

06/25/2022 08:46:56

 As I am enjoying my morning cup of coffee  I thought I would chit chat abit with you. May you have a glorious weekend.  We received  more rain over night so  the grass and the flower beds  are happy.  My goodness this month is flying by ever so quickly enjoying ones moments of life.  Hope life is treating you nicely while your  sharing your pretty smile with all.   Smiles  Gloria

05/25/2022 10:00:29

Android용 Inspiring Good Morning Quotes - APK 다운로드

05/18/2022 08:23:16

What a glorious day. The lawn received its first hair cut yesterday . My it looks so nice.  Before it happened  I just had to pick afew dandelions to put on the kitchen window in the home   to give me abit of joy.   Now I need to have a cup of coffee.  I believe I will have some Neapolitan chocolate, vanilla and strawberry  by good&gather to make my day even more special.  May you have a nice Wed. day enjoying your moments.  Smiles  Gloria.

05/16/2022 08:21:57

A beautiful Monday to you.  I have a feeling I will be spending as much time as I can  out of doors for it is such a glorious spring day.  May you have a pleasant week. Smiles  Gloria

05/13/2022 12:32:36

My goodness this week sure went by fast doing this and that each day.  May you have a glorious weekend that is coming up sharing your smiles.  Now where did I put my coffee cup this time. 

Goodness daydreaming for it is in my hand as I am looking out trying to see a dandelion.   Smiles   Gloria

05/09/2022 09:24:03

May you have a glorious spring day. The Monday is starting out with some rain showers as the lilac bushes are starting to bud out more and more around the yard. My my what a breathtaking site to see as one waits for the flowers to show up  and smell the lilacs as spring comes in more and more. Smiles  Gloria

04/22/2022 16:36:58

Stopping by to wish you a wonderful weekend ...

02/19/2022 10:34:50

May you have a pleasant weekend. Smiles  Gloria

02/13/2022 11:08:03

02/05/2022 18:45:19

hola,siento no poder conectar tube una cirujia,y al poco a mi mama, le salio dos tumores, cancerosos,y tanbien la operaron,se me junto muchas cosas. y deje internet por motivos,estoy casi cada momento,en el hospistal.siento, mi ausencia,no me olvido,de mis amigos,siempre con cariño,maria,cuidese,

Hello, I'm sorry I can't connect, I had a surgery, and soon my mom got two tumors, cancerous, and they also operated on her, I got a lot of things together. and I left the internet for reasons, I am almost every moment, in the hospital. I feel, my absence, I do not forget, my friends, always with love, Maria, take care, 

02/04/2022 08:56:35

01/24/2022 09:35:46

Abit cold this morning at 17 below so will stay toasty warm with a nice hot cup of  toasted coconut flavored coffee from Good&Gather.  It is sunny outside so the snow is glistening . Such a precious site to see.  May you have a precious day enjoying your moments.  Smiles  Gloria

01/21/2022 11:01:45

01/20/2022 09:08:53

A glorious day to you and your loved ones.  It is abit cool up north at 25 below for  this morning. 

Now where is my favorite coffee cup.  I shall make up some toasted coconut  or then again  maybe some white chocolate flavored coffee.

I do believe I shall run my errands on Friday when it is warmer outside. In the mean time it is a nice day to stay in doors and  put some more pieces on the puzzle and try and catch the dust bunnies that are around the home once again.  May you stay toasty warm and enjoy your lovely day the best you can enjoying your moments of life.  Smiles  Gloria

01/08/2022 08:12:36

May  you have a very pleasant weekend.  Such a pretty wintery morning.  We are having a heat wave of 12 above and will be rising during the day to 18 or so.  What a treat for it will head back  down to 18 below again for night time temps. 

Toasty warm in the home.  Now I believe I will make up some White Chocolate flavored coffee to keep me even warmer.  Yes that is a good plan.  May you have a smilie weekend sharing your smile .  Smiles  Gloria

12/25/2021 13:34:08

Hello, as I said, I continue, with problems, health, and I do

 not connect, I try to give you my best wishes,

for these dates, that you have a lot of happiness, love, 

and peace, and that, do not miss it, your health, is the

most important,

I wish you the best, take care 


12/22/2021 20:18:24

A Blessed Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. 

Peace on earth will come to stay when we live Christmas every day.  By Helen Steiner Rice.

12/18/2021 12:35:56

Hello, I have been more than a month, that I do not connect, due to problems, health,

I wish you a Christmas, special with all your family, and that you enjoy it, life is hard, and sometimes you have to value, the days, good, I hope to improve, and be able to vorvel, thank you, everyone, for your good wishes, greetings, see you soon, take care, kisses,maria--------------

hola,llevo mas de un mes,que no conecto,por problemas,de salud,

te deseo unas navidades,especial con toda tu familia,y que las disfrutes,la vida es dura, y en ocasiones hay que valorar,los dias,buenos,espero mejorar,y poder vorvel,gracias,ha todos, por buestros, saludos,hasta, pronto cuidate, besos,maria

12/17/2021 20:37:38

A very pleasant evening to you.  It warms my  heart looking at the Christmas tree lights in the evening.  Now where is my cup of tea. I like tea during the evening time and the one I picked this evening is  Winter Spice from the Twinings herbal tea's. It has sweet apple flavor plus cinnamon, cardamom and clove mixture.  May you enjoy your weekend with loved ones and friends  sharing Christmas joy .  Merry Christmas Smiles  Gloria

12/07/2021 11:11:18

Snow all over the ground and the birds are so happy at the bird feeders around town. I am always happy they like to come to mine. For me I am enjoying a nice cup of eggnog flavored coffee to make my day even more special.  May you continue to have a  glorious pleasant week. Smiles   Gloria

12/04/2021 09:39:05

such a pretty page you have.  Makes me smile.

12/04/2021 09:38:39

Christmas time of the season to send cards out and  start baking those  yummy Christmas cookies.  To have snow coming down while doing this is an added treasure. Now where is my coffee cup soon to be filled with  cherry Reindeer Blend from Caribou coffee. May you have a peaceful weekend.  Smiles  Gloria 

11/22/2021 08:45:28

 A happy Thanksgiving week from me to you.   

11/15/2021 09:42:35

May you have a very specail Birthday tomorrow. 


11/12/2021 11:18:12

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow.  A wonderful wintery  day! Thought I would blow some snow in your direction for the fun of it. 

May you have a very special day enjoying your moments.  I do believe I need another cup of coffee. Smiles  Gloria

11/10/2021 08:55:19

We are having a nice rainy day and then overnight   will turn into snowflakes. There is a twinkle in my eyes just thinking about the snowflakes coming down from the sky.  In the mean time I am having a  cup of caramel pumpkin flavored coffee to make my day even more special.   May you day be nice to you.

11/05/2021 12:29:23

Hello, I leave you my best wishes, and have a good weekend,

I'm still in pain, and I don't connect, I'm sorry, take care, 

I am again, with rehabilitation, from the shoulder,

to the hand, kisses,maria--------

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