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03/15/2021 11:18:43

A beautiful Monday day to you.  I don't know why but I am thinking of pussywillows on this  special day as one starts the week. Enjoying the  memories of past days when the children were at home and they would bring back from the woods pussywillows  for the family to enjoy during the first part of spring. Treasured memories!

I am busy doing the daily household  duties off and on  and think I need to have another cup of coffee and or tea to enjoy my day even  more.Smiles   Gloria

Smile, it lets your teeth breathe. ~Author unknown

03/13/2021 09:51:30

May you have a  pleasant Saturday day  doing whatever you would like to do as you share your smile and enjoy your day the best  you can and I will do the same up north. Smiles   Gloria

If you didn't start out the day with a smile, it's not too late to start practicing for tomorrow. ~Author unknown

03/12/2021 11:13:26

A bit of a cooler day  so better put on my warmer sweater and warm myself with another cup of coffee and or tea.  My goodness this week did go by fast for some reason. May you have a nice day and a glorious weekend at what ever you will be doing with your moments and I will do the same.  Smiles   Gloria

 Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind. ~Henry James

03/08/2021 16:52:23

Beautiful  Monday day to you.  I just had to run afew errands for it is such a nice spring day. The air is so refreshing.  More and more of the snow has melted and now there are puddles in its place.  Puts a smile on my face and I just want to splash in these puddles. 

May you have a lovely evening  thinking of your day. Hope it has been most kind to you. Smiles   Gloria

03/07/2021 13:08:28

Hello, how was your day, I a normal day, I wish

you a good Sunday, special, and a good start to

the week, ideal, full, of happiness, enjoy. a lot, 

and take care,kisses,maria

03/06/2021 13:06:19


Weather is heavenly today with this spring air. We still have snow on the ground but gradually is melting away.

 I do believe I need another cup of  the caramel vanilla cream which I brewed up this morning to make my day brighter. I am starting to have the spring cleaning fever .  May you have a wonderful weekend. Smiles   Gloria

03/01/2021 15:25:44

March first  has come in like a fresh spring day and  each day is to be warmer and warmer. It would be ever so nice to have spring weather now but  March can change up north  off and on  as  old man winter still wants to stay.  I will enjoy the spring days during this March .  Thinking about the tulips that were planted last fall. What a treat to enjoying them during the spring time.  May you have a  wonderful week and I will do the same up north. Smiles   Gloria 

Laughter is therapy for physical pain, emotional pain, and the everyday pain of life. ~Terri Guillemets

02/26/2021 16:43:05

A wonderful afternoon this has been. Spring is more in the air and I am liking it. Soon March will be here as spring and winter clide together off and on during the month. I do belive I need another cup of coffee to make my day even brighter. May you have a nice evening and a glorious weekend . Smiles Gloria

Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you — not because they are nice, but because you are. ~Author unknown

02/25/2021 17:42:09

My Goodness what a beautiful winter afternoon. One can almost smell spring in the air. I think I am dreaming, wake up Gloria and have a cup of tea. My favorite tea these days is sweet tangerine by Yogi. I so do enjoy my tea's in the afternoon and evening time. May you have pleasant moments for the rest of your day. SMiles Gloria

02/24/2021 15:20:07

I hope your having a nice day. I am having a wonderful day and enjoying the winter warmer temps. I think I need  to have another cup of coffee and or maybe some tea. Smiles   Gloria.

A smile vanquishes loneliness, if only for a fleeting moment. ~Terri Guillemets

02/11/2021 14:02:02

Hello, I wish you the best, for this Thursday, have

a great time, full of joys, and peace, enjoy it,

your way, take care, lots of kisses, Maria--------------------

02/07/2021 13:32:12

Hello, have a good Sunday, and have a good start

to the week, happy take care,kisses,maria

01/29/2021 11:45:36

Hello, Have a memorable weekend, with many

 moments, family, and infinite affection.

 Happy day! Enjoy it, to your liking Take care,


01/26/2021 12:13:54

A nice winter day to you.  A Bit cool for these next few days so will run my errands later on in the week. In the mean time I will stay toasty warm in the home front.

Enjoying some maple pecan seasonal flavored coffee from green mountain.  So smooth and refreshing to ones taste buds. This is a nice day to do the household duties and then  continue to read some more chapters in a book I started early this morning.

 Migit even see some snowflakes today,Goodness most exciting! Take care and stay safe.  Smiles   Gloria.

01/24/2021 14:13:37

A new week is about to begin and, with it, we

 return again to the routine, the responsibilities, 

and so many things that we have to do. Get back on your feet

this Monday, enjoy it, your way and take care,


01/19/2021 12:41:07

Enjoy Tuesday, smile and be happy. Be

grateful for all the good things in your life.

Take care of yourself, a lot,kisses,maria-----

01/16/2021 12:44:55

Such a beautiful picture this is and that is what it looks like here with the braches on the trees full of ice and snow. Breathtaking site!  Sounds like some more snow coming our way for Sunday.  MY how I love the winter days as this season shows off its beauty. May you have a pleasant weekend.  Smiles  Gloria

01/12/2021 12:05:07

If you give, SMILES, to those around you, LIFE,

it will return them with HAPPINESS, happy

Tuesday full of joys, take care,kisses.maria-----------

01/11/2021 10:02:49

hello, in these bad times that we are suffering, all,

the best The SMILE, and JOY, is the best MEDICATION,

that exists and WITHOUT the need for a

take care kisses,maria----

01/10/2021 14:34:30

Who with a SMILE, GETS UP, a GOOD,

 DAY. WAITS for you, happy Sunday, take care,


01/09/2021 13:14:33

Hello my dear friend, I wish you a happy, weekend. 

Enjoy it! In my city, we continue, with a lot

of snow, and cold, with friendship, and affection,

take care, Maria,kisses

01/08/2021 12:59:28

That which makes you SMILE, is

 why it IS WORTH LIVING. Happy, weekend,

take care,kisses,maria....

01/07/2021 12:14:26

There will always be a BRIGHT FUTURE,

for those who have BEAUTY, in the HEART,

how was your day, here snowing, I wish you, that

your Thursday, be nice take care,kisses,maria-----

01/07/2021 10:12:34

May your day be ever so nice to you. Up north the sun is shinning and the snow is glistening.

I do believe I will make up a cup of  caramel vanilla  cream flavored coffee from green mountain to make my moments even more brighter.  May you have a joy in your heart as you do your daily duties and I will do the same.   Smiles  Gloria

01/06/2021 13:15:53

LOVE is the engine that moves the world,

the FAMILY, remains united by love, to good FRIENDS,

 we love them as brothers,happy kings day

take care,kisses,maria.......

01/04/2021 13:23:18

01/04/2021 11:14:18

LIFE does not take away what you want, it

only leaves room for something MUCH BETTER to

arrive. One of the most PRECIOUS things in LIFE

is to see your CHILDREN GROW up healthy and full of JOY and

WANT to LIVE. Happy, start of the week, take care.


01/03/2021 14:31:32

Offer your best SMILE to LIFE and life will surely

end up smiling at you,LAUGH, is a tranquilizer, without side

effects,Happy Sunday, take care,kisses,maria

01/03/2021 10:30:36

Happy Sunday Morning Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr,  Pinterest, and Twitter

01/01/2021 11:38:58

2020 was not the best year, but here we continue

to fill ourselves with unforgettable moments.

After such a difficult year, No pandemic will manage

to break our ties. Happy 2021! May this Year, New.

all your dreams come true. Congratulations!

take care,kisses,maria

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