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12/30/2020 13:56:06

 She closes her eyes, think about everything that made

you smile, in the year that ends and 

forget about the rest. I hope those smiles are multiplied

by a thousand, Happy New Year 2021, I hope it is

better, that this and you achieve, all, your

dreams, take care,kisses,maria........

12/30/2020 11:36:57

12/30/2020 08:48:04

Wednesday Blessings Archives - The Horse Mafia

12/29/2020 13:16:29

May the spirit of Christmas fill your souls with all happiness.

that you deserve.I like Christmas

not because of the decorations, nor because of the 

tree or the gifts, but because of the warmth of the people who 

become more generous and show their love more.

The best gift I can have this Christmas is to witness a

family that is united and happy. kisses,maria

12/22/2020 12:53:29

I wish you, that the light, of Christmas, illuminate all

the hearts, of the world, guiding next year on a path

full of love, and hoping that this epidemic

ends and we have a new, happier year, and wish

to all, the people, who are with the virus,

God enlighten them, with my good wishes.

take care,kisses,maria

12/21/2020 10:24:05

May you have a blessed  Christmas week. Snow is falling down   and   Christmas spirit is in the air.  What a glorious Monday  day !  Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.  Smiles   Gloria

12/20/2020 11:24:02

These holidays are different, due to this epidemic,

and that is why I hope that your smile reaches

the whole world as a divine gift, attracting happiness 

to your life and hoping that the year 2021 is better,

happy, Sunday, Take care, kisses,maria

12/17/2020 12:36:25

hello, may your Thursday be very special,

full of joys, and new, illusions,

May your day be very happy and I know

fulfill all your wishes, with

all my love, and friendship, Maria ...

Take care, lots of kisses and hugs, Maria

12/15/2020 13:33:31

Hello, how was your day, here a rainy day,

and sad I wish you all the best,,

for this Tuesday, have a good time happy, with

many joys, and much love,

take care, I send you hugs, and all my love,

kisses, from maria

12/14/2020 13:25:21

Hello, how was your beginning, of the week, in Spain,

 very cold, and one day, normal, as always,

 I wish you, all the most beautiful, for these dates,

 Christmas, with many gifts, happiness, and health,

that It is the most important, with the year,

 that we have, take care of yourself, a lot kisses,maria

12/13/2020 11:23:16

Hello, we are already on the eve of Christmas,

I leave you my best wishes, for this Sunday, 

have a great time, and take care of yourself


12/07/2020 11:49:53

A  great day to you .  I am having a peaceful morning enjoying a cup of coconut mocha while doing my daily household duties. Looking forward to see a snowflake falling down one of these days.  May you have a peaceful week and I will do the same . Smiles  Gloria

12/04/2020 11:58:13

You should never lose your way of being, your

essence, the humility of your soul, the voice of

your heart, respect for yourself and the love for life.

That EVERYTHING happens to you today, and

that everything is BEAUTIFUL. Happy, weekend,

take care,kisses,maria

12/03/2020 12:09:14

FRIENDSHIP improves happiness and reduces sadness, because through friendship, JOYS are doubled, and PAINS are divided. I value your pretty, friendship, may your Thursday be, happy, and beautiful,

take care, thank you, for accepting, my request,

12/01/2020 09:31:47

A glorius December day to you. We are having a sunny day which helps for it is abit cold outside today. Need to run afew errands  and  go to the post office to mail afew Christmas gifts and  my goodness must not forget to get some more stamps.

  Enjoying some  maple pecan flavored coffee from green mountain while I am chit chatting with you in  one of many  snowman coffee cups  I have given to me from friends and family thoughout these many years.

At the moment though I am sending you a smile your way and wishing you a peaceful day.   May your day be ever so kind to you. Smiles  Gloria

11/16/2020 04:03:56

11/15/2020 10:12:00

May you have a very special birthday day on Monday. Smiles   Gloria

11/09/2020 11:59:57

A beautiful day to you. Wow, snowing at the moment and a huge smile is on my face. I do believe it is snowman snow and not angel snow.  hahaha what a glorious day!

I am enjoying some flavored carmal apple pie coffee from the Donut Sh0p brand coffee for today.  A great way to start out the week. May you have a very blessed week enjoying  your precious moments.  Smiles   Gloria

10/27/2020 12:32:44

Burr !!!!  It is abit chilly today and breeze.   Fall leaves  are  still on some of the trees and snow on the ground.  What a beautifiul site to see.  A good day to stay in doors and continue to  enjoy  another cup from Green Mountain  coffee called Maple Pecan. It is one of the seasonal favorites. Pork roast in the slowcooker, a book ready to read the next chapter and coffee cup isfull, wow I am having a  very special day.  I hope your day is treating you nicely also.  Smiles Gloria

10/25/2020 13:40:17

WOW! What a beautiful page. Wishing you a very happy and Blessed Sunday. Tomorrow my dear Bob has to call the hospital to find out when his heart procedure will on Tuesday.  Praying all will go well with it. It should, he had it done early Feb. but they didn't get all they wanted too 60- 40 % reduction of the extened heart muscel so now they want to get the rest of it. There are a few more cases of COVID around Bob had to get that test too so that is already done. It came back fine. Praying that they get it all and all will be fine. Take care . Love and Hugs...Connie 

10/19/2020 08:39:31

20181217134113 | Happy monday quotes, Good morning messages, Monday morning  quotes

10/15/2020 13:46:22

Pleasant day to you.  We are having a cloudy fall day and we are still in the 30's temps. I don't know if we will even reach  to the 40 mark.    Wow we may have snow falling for the weekend.  A smile is on my face.  It is so much fun to see all the 4 seasons and all of its beauty.  

Enjoying some flavored  Island Coconut coffee from Green Mountain at the moment.  Such a treat!  Think I need to head over to our friendly library and get afew books to have for the weekend as I enjoy seeing the snow falling down.  Take care and stay safe.  Smiles   Gloria

09/28/2020 14:20:13

O' pumpkin pie, your time has come 'round again and I am autumnrifically happy! ~Terri Guillemets

May you have a glorious day watching  the beauty of autumn and all of its surprises.  Smiles  Gloria

09/10/2020 11:15:04

I hope your day is being kind to you. It is a wonderful cool sunny fall day up north.  A great day to do more of the yard work and clean the flowerbeds so all is ready for next spring . Soup in the slowcooker and enjoying at the moment some pumpkin flavored coffee.

Autumn puzzle on the table to begin sometime today. Puzzles are so much fun to put together.   What a glorious day this is just enjoying the moments while doing this and that with  the day.  Smiles   Gloria

08/28/2020 13:18:37

 An overnight rain shower brought some fresh air to our area , plus some cool temps also.  I am really in a fall mood  now.  haha  Always like to see fall coming in  off and on as summer fades away gradually.   Looking forward to September  and all of its adventures.  May you have a pleasant weekend in your area and I will do the same here.  Smiles  Gloria

               What goes best with a cup of coffee? Another cup.

08/27/2020 09:48:38

Good day to you.  Fall is in the air and happiness is in my heart.  I am enjoying some Folgers  Vanilla Biscotti coffee at the moment . Such a delight!  Using my new fall burnt orange mug with a smile on my face that I found in one of our friendly stores in our small community the other day.  May you share your smile with all! Smiles  Gloria

08/24/2020 08:49:26

May God bless you!! | Monday blessings, Monday morning quotes ...

08/19/2020 11:34:09

Wednesday Blessings! You are VERY Special - You are VERY Special ...

08/18/2020 13:46:27

Tuesday blessings! - You are VERY Special | Facebook

08/18/2020 12:58:38

I have brought out my best china to have a delicious cup of tea with you this  Tuesday afternoon. I pray this day is being ever so kind to you as it continues to be for me. The sun is shining and the glads are showing all their colors in the flowerbeds. I don't know why but I so do like the yellow glads the most for some reason.  Smiles  Gloria

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