I am so happy that October is behind us. The colors in the sky are so amazing this time of year. I know my picture from the back porch isn't as colorful as professional photographers, but I never get tired of MY view!
Now you know I love moon pictures, especially when they are orange in color. Can you imagine taking one as beautiful as that last one in Colorado? I hope you have a fun time dressing up and get lots of candy! Hubby has already been to the store and has his stash hidden. Thanks to Gloria for making my new tag.
Finally Friday evening... work is done this week. I am probably working through the end of the year. There is no way to know when Kelly will find someone to work full time. So I am there until that happens.
Today was another "rain all day while I was at work" day. Started raining after I got there and quit about 30 minutes before I left. We had 1.8" in the rain gauge. Isn't our river pretty in the backyard of very green grass?
After our 2.5" of rain, it is beginning to feel like Fall here. Right now, I have at least 12 things on my list and only about 4 things crossed off. I just keep getting farther behind at home. Does anyone want to pay some of my bills? Oh with their $$$?
Gosh I miss being here every day! You know I love being at work but I miss your posts, your text and hearing your voices. I just can't tell you enough how much your being in my life means to me!!! I'll be back soon. Smile and share your love with others.
Rain started just as I got to work this Monday morning. It rained on and off most of the day and at times it was heavy rain. However, people in Dallas just don't know how to drive on the slick roads. There were 2 major wrecks on my way home that had I-30 shut down in two areas within a 3 mile stretch of the highway. So far, we have been blessed with 1.5" with more that might fall tonight as the cool front arrives. I will try to check in on Wednesday!
Fall is a magical time of beauty! I sure hope you are enjoying each and every day. I love working but it is very tiring for an ole lady! Thanks for checking on both of us and just for being my friend. See you soon!
When people say that they love you, they say that based on everything you’ve shown them up until that point in time. However, when God tells you that He loves you, He says it with foreknowledge. He says it knowing everything you’ve done in the past, and everything you’ll do in the future—good and bad! Today, know that even if others may walk away or abandon you because of the mistakes you’ve made that God never will. He knows everything you’re going to do before you do it and loves you anyway!
Do you like reading books? I now enjoy a good Christian book, a Mystery, a feel good Romance (like a Hallmark movie), and a funny cute Comedy. However, I do tend to fall asleep while reading too. I don't know how many times I nodded off last night before I put my iPad away.
Blessing this Sunday! All my teams won in College Football yesterday and early today we had a bit of rain. What more could you ask for, you say?! Cooler temperatures are on the way for most of this week. Yes, Saturday will be 89° again but most of the week will be wonderful temperatures. Hope you enjoy your week!
Saturday! Football, day off from work, laundry, defrost freezer... RELAX! At a near record (95°) day of 93°, we are excited about a chance of rain Sunday and Monday (none so far this month) and cooler temperatures.