Soup is brewing in the crock pot for the day. The fall air is fresh and refreshing to ones nose. My how I love fall and all of its adventures. Hope autumn will stay for awhile but living up north one better enjoy all of it for winter is poking its nose around the bend. I believe I will have another cup of pumpkin spice flavored coffee to help me to enjoy this wonderful day even more. Smiles Gloria
May your day be ever so kind to you. Fall is showing its colors more and more these days. Some of the leaves are even falling from the trees. So do like this time of the season and all of its colors and beauty. Do have a nice Wed. enjoying your moments the best you can by counting your blessings. Smiles Gloria
Good morning!. Hope your having a pleasant Monday.In our area we are going to have a glorious heat wave into the 80's for the next few days. Going to do abit of the household duties and then enjoy the out of doors with all this sunshine . A good time to clean out more of the flowerbeds and put them to rest for the season. In the mean time I believe I would like to have another cup of coffee. Smiles Gloria
A nice afternoon to you. The weather at 50 degrees is giving us a nice rainy day and the blustering fall winds along with it. A good day to stay put indoors .
I am enjoying at the moment a flavored cup of toasted marchmellow mocha coffee. I so do enjoy that blend this time of the season. Hope life is being kind to you and you have peace within your being. Smiles Gloria
Breathing is the greatest pleasure in life. Smile, breathe and go slowly.
A very nice Monday day to you. It is a very windy fall day here so think I will just do my errands tomorrow and have another cup of coffee to brighten my day even more. Smiles so warms ones heart. My how I like my smilie wrinkles I have required throughout the years. Do have a great Monday . Smiles Gloria
It is in the 50's today so the heat has been turned on to take the chill out of the home. A bit of a rainy misty day so I have decided to just sit back and get into a book and have another cup of hot coffee and or tea. What ever your enduring today stay safe while your enjoying your moments. Smiles Gloria
Strolling the Hill, so wanted to say hello..always a joy to meet new folks here. Beautiful weather day closer to Fall -:) Have a blessed day -:)
So happy to have the sun shinning once more after 2 days of rain. Read books during those days so will need to head over to our friendly library and pick up some more to read this afternoon. May the Lord bless you on this glorious Wednesday day. Smiles Gloria
The world always looks brighter from behind a smile. ~Author unknown
I am having a refreshing rainy day .Wow the maple trees on our block are starting to turn its bring orange colors more and more. Such a breathtaking site to see. A twinkle is in my eye just seeing this wonder once again. This is a nice day to finish reading my book. May you have a pleasant Monday whatever life is giving you. Smiles Gloria
A nice cool day and it feels wonderful. Believe I should make up some pumpkin spice coffee for my thoughts are on Fall. Have a glorious day and a pleasant week. Smiles Gloria
May you have a glorious weekend enjoying what life gives you. This is going to be a great day for rain drops are to fall down . It is so needed. Can't wait to smell the fresh air of rain. Smiles Gloria
Wow a cool day in the late 60's and am enjoying it. Plus rain is coming down off and on which is needed which is a pleasant site to see and smell the fresh air . May you have a nice week smiling and counting all your many blessings. Smiles Gloria
May you have a glorious weekend sharing your smile with everyone. These summer days have be breathtaking as the flowers from the flowerbeds show more and more flowers as the summer season continues. What a thrilling site to see and it warms my heart and puts a smile to my face. Do have a nice weekend. SMiles Gloria
Such a beautiful Tuesday day. I have already spent most of the morning doing this and that outside and now it it is time to do do afew things indoors. Like have another cup of coffee. May you have a wonderful day. Smiles Gloria
What a lovely Monday day. A bit warm so will take of that with making up some ice coffee and or tea to freshen the day even more. Seems just like over night the white baby's breath bush bloomed and the lilies opened up also in the yard. Such a glorious treat to see. Summer is moving along fast, it seems and I am enjoying every bit of it. May you have a pleasant week. Smiles Gloria
A glorious day to you. Hope your moments are being ever so kind to you. Blessings this morning with rain falling in our area and now this afternoon the sun is trying to shine off and on while more rain comes down once again ever so nicely. The flowerbeds are loving all this rain as the flowers show out its beauty. Smiles Gloria
A blessed day to you. A bit cool today so I think I need another hot cup of coffee to continue with my moments.
The wild yellow and pink roses are now in bloom around the yard, so warms my heart looking it the beauty of them each day while the roses last. Have a glorious Friday day. Smiles Gloria
My goodness it is early afternoon already. I am enjoying the moments so much dong this and that, this day is just flying away from me. I need another cup of coffee to brighten this afternoon even more. Smiles Gloria.
I have been enjoying the out of doors for most of the day and I truly do need another cup of coffee. Flowers are blooming more and more all over the yard plus the rose bushes. What a breathtaking site to see. I so do enjoy all the four seasons and all of its beauty.