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07/15/2023 11:28:28

Have fun making sweeeet memories:)

07/15/2023 06:42:41

Apart in distance but close in heart. Thinking of you Pat Ruth & sending blessings!🌺

07/12/2023 10:21:35

Merry Mid-week to you! Here in Wonderland outside temps have cooled to 73 so having no A/C is not a problem. Installers due tomorrow. Myself & the dog will head over to friend's house to get through the day while the hubby deals with things. 🌬️

07/11/2023 11:16:34

It's our 2nd day w/o rain. Hope rain clouds
have gone to visit those who need their
lawns & gardens watered, and birdbaths
filled. Have a 'meowie' nice today, pal!

07/10/2023 08:18:22

Hi new week! For me, gotta make it til Thursday without A/C. While the days are in the 80s, the nights will be in the 60s; I think I can make it using fans! Empathy with all experiencing truly high temps.🍧

07/09/2023 16:20:28

Hope you're comfy, PatRuth:) I'm sure
your desert temps are outta sight!
Take care... and BIG *hugs*

07/08/2023 07:07:34

How is your weekend?! My A/C condenser unit is 26 yrs old and needs replacing. Going on day 3 of no air. Can't complain too much as the temps so far aren't too bad. Fans going, cool baths and ice cream eating!🍦

07/07/2023 20:48:31

Wishing you a Happy Friday, and a safe,
sunny, and fun weekend, Pat!
*hugs* -di

07/06/2023 10:42:37

May your day be ever so nice to you as you do your daily duties of the day and take some time off  to enjoy the moments of the day with a fresh cup of coffee and or tea.  We are having very cool temps this week so a nice hot cup  of coffee sounds  delicious  to me right at the moment.  Smiles   Gloria

Never ask, "What reason do I have to be happy?" Instead ask, "To what purpose can I attach my happiness?" ~Robert Brault, rbrault.blogspot.com

07/05/2023 21:31:28

After a week of rain, the sun finally began shining this week & temps are 85-90. Hot & humid-staying cool inside. 🌞

07/04/2023 10:21:15

07/03/2023 07:42:03

Have a great holiday! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

06/30/2023 10:36:33

06/30/2023 07:23:14

Hope you have great weekend & are faring okay if you are in a place with bad air quality as I am. Strawberries are my favorite fruit, but I have only picked them once in my life. I was in college; I was done after filling one basket, but my friends wanted to stay for hours. Too hot & too backbreaking for me! Have you ever picked strawberries?πŸ“

06/28/2023 14:48:53

06/28/2023 08:07:50

Greetings Pat! Whatever adversity you may be encountering, soar above it as the butterfly does.πŸ¦‹

06/26/2023 11:40:56

May you have a glorious day doing this and that and hearing the birds singing. Many nests in the trees this spring so now I am watching the little birds flying around to and fro. It is so cute to watch is off and on as one is doing their daily duties. Smiles Gloria

06/26/2023 08:04:23

Hello friend! June is almost at an end; for many years I taught summer school and only had a break from July 15 to August 25. Can't believe those working summers are a distant memory. πŸ’™

06/25/2023 09:03:03

Storms, heat... rough week for some.
Be safe, dear Pat!  *hugs* -di

06/24/2023 13:34:46

Hope your weekend is awesome
in every way, Pat. *hugs* -di

06/24/2023 12:21:04

Dropping by to say hello.  Hoping all is well your way. All is good here and we are having some lovely weather. I will have the next 3 weeks off from work for vacation and I am so looking forward to it.  Always take a break this time of the year to rest up before the busy season hits in late August through December. I usually have to work a lot of over-time during that time frame.  Anyway, you take care and enjoy your weekend~~ hugs, debijo

06/24/2023 09:50:59

Irish Proverb

A week of light rain and humidity ahead for Wonderland. Since I'm a homebody, I don't mind-we do need the moisture! 🫧

06/23/2023 10:44:03

06/22/2023 19:33:07

Let's take a vacay to antarctica, pal...

06/21/2023 10:12:45

Monet's Garden at Giverny

"Do not wait to be happy in the future. The best time to be happy is always now." -Roy T. Bennett 🌺

06/21/2023 09:47:40

Are you glad its officially Summer?
I keep thinking of cool mountains... Ha
However, I am looking f'ward to cantaloupe
and DH to his watermelon. C'mon crops!
Happy Summer Solstice, pal:)  *hugs*

06/20/2023 12:07:25

A glorious Tuesday day to you. Extra warm today so better enjoy some ice tea and or coffee to cool myself and then maybe some refreshing lemonade .  Now to find my book and head outside and enjoy the summer breeze  for awhile.  May you have a very pleasant day.  Smiles  Gloria

Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you β€” not because they are nice, but because you are. ~Author unknown

06/20/2023 10:40:49

Today is grocery day. Ugh. Wish a
li'l genie would put them away for us.
If you have plans for the day, Pat,
have fun! *hugs*

06/19/2023 06:53:39

Last Thurs I got pea sized hail. Some nearby areas had golfball sized hail.

Patio fruit & herb gardens are faring just fine! How is your garden doing if you have one? 🌼

06/18/2023 12:39:41

Hard to believe peaches are being harvested
and in li'l roadside stands now. Plus, first
day of Summer is Wednesday. Geeeesh...
where are the days going:) Hope you have a
refreshing today, PatRuth. *hugs* -di

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