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06/16/2023 11:56:42

The beginning of a perfect weekend!
*hugs* to a pal,  -di

06/15/2023 18:06:20

Heading for the weekend and wishing you a good one!🌜

06/15/2023 11:10:51

06/14/2023 14:33:17

Happy Flag Day, PatRuth! *hugs*

06/13/2023 11:37:30

8 hrs of light rain brought 60 degree temps to Wonderland! Time for a cup of hot tea--or coffee!☕

06/11/2023 06:57:45

Good morning friend! Thanks for sharing pieces of your life and offering encouragement to face life's ups and downs. 🍓

06/09/2023 10:38:23

Made it through my blood draw. I know I get too worked up over getting poked & then it's over in 7 seconds. 🫖

06/08/2023 12:27:04

Good afternoon:) Hope you spend a
productive day doing something
interesting; at least a chore you
don't mind:) And lookie, it's
Friday Eve, pal!
😁 *hugs*

06/07/2023 12:48:16

As summer sneaks in the back door,
I aspire to be as content as these
kiddens, PatRuth:) Happy *hugs*

06/07/2023 07:52:36

Midweek already! Been putting off a blood draw for a couple months. I finally will do it on Friday. 🐇

06/05/2023 09:52:39

Make it a good one, and the
new week, too, sweet pal:) *hugs*

06/04/2023 17:25:00

Hope your week is off to an amazing start! Wishing for some rain here in Wonderland; it's been pretty dry for over 3 weeks. 🦄

06/04/2023 11:06:08

06/02/2023 15:27:55

Whatever you find to do this weekend,
find the perfect weather to do it:)
Be safe, too, dear pal! *hugs*

06/02/2023 07:30:57

The last few days have been 86-90F in Wonderland. Summer has begun! Have a great first weekend in June. 🐇

06/01/2023 13:09:56

Can you believe... JUNE already?
Enjoy! Before it's gone! 😲

05/30/2023 08:50:36

Just coming by to say HI!🦝

05/29/2023 09:03:39

05/28/2023 15:17:39

Dropping by to say hello and wish you a Happy Sunday.. Hope all is well your way and you enjoy your day.. 

And, may you have a safe and blessed Memorial Day.. Let us not forget our heroes.. Take care~ hugs debijo

05/28/2023 11:53:01

Our Day Lilies have been showing out for
a week... tireless in coming back anew
each day. Hmmm... to be like them:)

05/26/2023 13:43:47

05/26/2023 09:26:40

Have a peaceful, restful holiday weekend. 💓🤍💙

05/25/2023 11:55:20

Sun is shining, humidity is down, temp is
"temperate"... what more could a body
ask for. Happy Friday eve, sweet pal:)

05/24/2023 11:36:02

Find your joy & treasure its presence. 🐶

05/22/2023 08:46:39

Just another Magic Monday! Blessings for the week ahead.🎠

05/21/2023 10:56:05

Happy Sunday, PatRuth! :) *hugs*

05/18/2023 19:39:04

Sending you a pic of my most-est favorite
flower. Isn't it pretty... so unassuming.
Have a restful evening, Pat. -di

05/18/2023 07:40:35

Take a little break & chill! Frost warning in Wonderland last night; I had to bring in all my plants (except 4 herb boxes). 🌷

05/16/2023 07:23:31

How is your week going? Sharing some patio pics. I don't have much room, but I have a fairy garden & some beefsteak & grape tomatoes & jalapeno & cayenne peppers. There's lavender on the table. Jasper is looking at the geese flying over. And there's the goose family down by the retention pond. Hope all is lovely & well where you are! ✨

05/15/2023 08:54:44

Happy new week, sweet pal! I hope it's
great from beginning to end, and
everywhere in-between.

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