Peeking in to say hello and wish you a Happy Monday.. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. All is well here. Just enjoying what is left of my 3 day weekend. Back to work tomorrow and our busy season is upon us. Got new employees last week so I now have a crew size of 97 and will probably get more. I will have to go in 1/2 hour earlier starting tomorrow. Sigh.. And I thought getting up at 4 was torture, now I will be getting up around 3:30 and putting in about 10 hrs a day. Lord give me strength!!!!
Anyway, I do hope you enjoy the rest of your day and have a blessed week... Take care, debijo
Happy Friday, and best wishes for a great & fun weekend. Glad the Southeast is seeing the end of Debby. I hope it whizzes past the Northeast much more quickly. DH goes in for 2nd reconstructive/graft surgery 9/3. His outlook is positive and good. Take care, PatRuth... *hugs* -di
Hello, dear friend. I've been busy tending to many doc appointments, home health, and trying to play catch-up here at home after ignoring my household chores for weeks. Maybe normal will return soon. Hope you are doing well and keeping cool & comfy during this heat. Take care! *hugs* -di
Beginning a week-long excessive heat warning in Wonderland. Lucky to be retired & not needing to go out except for grocery shopping & fetching the mail. Sitting on the patio is not too bad either. Hope you have a good week! 🌺
Thinking how grateful I am for: the 4 seasons I enjoy, the birds & small critters that I feed, the nearby marsh & lake I love to gaze at, the bounty of the patio herb gardens I grow & God's hand in it all. 🐰