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05/17/2024 13:10:11


05/16/2024 08:25:04

It's a cool, sunny day in Wonderland. Blessings to you Pat! ๐Ÿฆ

05/13/2024 08:16:41

Hope your week is off to a great start.๐ŸŒบ

05/12/2024 23:47:58

05/11/2024 08:25:46


05/11/2024 07:17:38

Hope you have a tranquil weekend. Nighttime temps here are dropping to low 50s  (10s), so we had to pop on the heat. โ˜น๏ธ

05/09/2024 07:50:42


In for more storms as are many across the US. But it's cold today, around 50F (10C) where it was 80F (27C) yesterday. Thankful this Thursday for your friendship Pat!๐Ÿฆฉ

05/07/2024 20:10:40

Wanted to drop in and say hello. Hope all is well your way. Spring has sprung here, and with lots of rain. We're averaging having to cut our yard every other weekend. Have a wonderful rest of the week -:)

05/07/2024 08:39:02

How are you faring today? Got my little fairy garden planted. Freya stopped by for her daily peanut fix. A line of wicked storms is headed to Wonderland. Hope they lose some of their punch by the time they reach me.๐Ÿ”ธ

05/05/2024 13:16:27

Just dropping by to say hello... Hope you are enjoying your weekend and all is well.  Not much going on in my neck of the woods.  Having a rainy weekend so just staying in puttering around the house. Take care of yourself, enjoy the rest of your day and have a wonderful week~~~~ hugs, debijo

05/05/2024 11:28:45

I may have slowed down a lot since my 2018 retirement, but now home is a place of comfort to enjoy & not a pitstop where I eat & sleep. Hope your week is off to a great start Pat! ๐ŸŽถ

05/03/2024 08:00:55

Rainy day here but it's good for the wildflowers I planted on the hill as well as the herbs growing or newly planted in patio pots. Have a wonderful weekend!๐ŸŒฟ

05/01/2024 06:03:33

Hello to May! Didn't want to, but I turned on the A/C because the house temp got up to 82F (27C). Laughter heals; I hope something happens that makes you smile!๐Ÿƒ

04/27/2024 08:52:02


04/26/2024 09:42:54

04/24/2024 14:24:47

May the rest of your week be fruitful. Spring needs to come back to Wonderland. It's been cold & gloomy though the rabbits, squirrels & woodland birds have been hanging around my deck. ๐Ÿซ–

04/23/2024 08:48:18

Good Morning

04/22/2024 06:35:04

Pat, how are you this Monday? I was all ready to plant seeds on the top of the berm behind my condo & there has been a cold snap. Need to wait til it warms up again. ๐ŸŒฑ

04/21/2024 11:37:43

Happy Sunday, PatRuth, and...

04/20/2024 09:50:39

Have a day filled w/smiles &
good company, Pat:) *hugs*

04/20/2024 08:47:44

Sunny but a bit cold today in Wonderland; loving that fresh breeze. Enjoy your weekend! ๐Ÿงก

04/19/2024 07:51:44

Sending friendship vibes today; a person from afar who's cheering for you! Have a great weekend! ๐ŸŽ

04/18/2024 11:52:32

Good morning! If you're having a rainy
day, too, stay cozy. Soon the summer
sun will take charge, friend. :)

04/17/2024 15:49:29

This wonderful Wednesday is a bit cooler
than the past few days which almost broke
records... already.  Enjoy all you do, and
any plans you make. *hugs*

04/17/2024 09:08:22

My hockey season is over. Red Wings won their game, but not enough pts to get into playoffs. Get so used to watching them every other day or so since Oct, it's weird when the season ends. I'll get some more reading done now! ๐Ÿ“˜

04/16/2024 10:31:06


04/15/2024 12:26:10

We used to have a garden each year.
Now our veggies are from farmers mkts,
and prices are high. But what would we
do w/o okra and fresh corn?
Merry Monday, friend.

04/15/2024 06:44:22

Happy Monday!๐Ÿง

04/14/2024 13:32:25

Dropping by to say hello.. Hope you are doing well and enjoying your weekend.  Rainy weekend here so just staying inside puttering around the house and watching TV. Take care, enjoy the rest of your day and have a great week~~ hugs, debijo

04/12/2024 21:41:58

Hi Pat! Rainy & windy here in Wonderland. I've been watching a mallard duck pair walking around the grounds, looking for a nesting site. Wish they'd pick somewhere near my patio.๐ŸŒผ

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