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03/19/2024 13:22:11

Some of us have snow, some rain, some sun,
some cold, some warm, some calm, some
blustery. Ahhh... tis Spring :)
Happy New Season!

03/19/2024 10:21:40

Where is spring? In Wonderland the forecast is 2 inches of snow on Friday! 🌷

03/18/2024 18:33:19

Wishing you a wonderful new week ahead -)

03/18/2024 11:19:46

Hope your weekend was good and your
new week even better. March has a few
cool mornings left. Freezing temps
tonight here. Stay cozy, Pat! *hugs* -di

03/17/2024 17:11:05

03/17/2024 10:37:09


03/16/2024 16:23:55

May love & luck be yours! ☘️

03/15/2024 17:00:43

Have a fine St Paddy's Day
weekend, pal! *hugs*

03/15/2024 09:24:36

Have a song in your heart today!💚

03/14/2024 08:11:32


03/14/2024 04:34:14

03/13/2024 09:49:44

I have spring in my heart even though winter is trying to bring down some more snow flakes for our area this weekend. May you have a nice Wed. and ever so kind days for the rest of week. Smiles Gloria

03/13/2024 07:58:52

Pat, hope you have a Wonder-filled Wednesday! 🐝

03/12/2024 10:38:51

You're the lucky one, Pat!
I hope your sun is busy shining
down on you, too! *hugs*

03/11/2024 16:44:30

Merry Monday and new week!
Did you miss that hour's sleep, pal? :)
*hugs* -di

03/09/2024 19:22:56

03/09/2024 08:46:45


03/08/2024 10:49:21

Happy Friday! The weekend
is almost here, Pat. Enjoy!
*hugs* -di

03/08/2024 08:42:03

Hope you have a fabulous Friday. As you can guess, I 💚 St. Patrick's Day!

03/07/2024 18:07:49

The week was a blur..a busy one too. Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead -:)

03/05/2024 18:50:20

Appreciating your friendship!🎈

03/04/2024 15:31:53

I'm glad we're friends, dear pal:) *hugs*

03/03/2024 14:17:53

Daffies are everywhere. They were Mom's special
ones... mine are daisies, plain and inobtrusive. Do you
have a favorite? The wind has gone, but it did help
dry out the ground a bit. What "frog-stranglers"
we had. Have a nice Sunday, PatRuth. *hugs*

03/03/2024 11:07:12

Have a bright & beautiful week!🌈

03/01/2024 19:51:22

Hello Pat! Sharing some Irish decor for the season! Keep smiling. 🍀

02/29/2024 09:31:24

May your moments today be ever so kind to you as you share your smile to all you meet.  Smiles   Gloria

02/29/2024 09:30:42

G'morning, Pat:) *hugs*

02/28/2024 16:47:40

Just dropping to say hello. My in-laws live in Phoenix. Haven't been to Tucson, but did visit thrm in 2018..first time ever in Arizona. We hope to return there maybe later this year. Have a wonderful rest of the week.

02/28/2024 08:40:05


02/28/2024 08:25:51

Always keep a sense of wonder!🧚

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