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02/01/2024 08:22:31

Happy Thursday to you! January seemed like such a long month; February will be, too! Since it's a Leap Year, we're in for 29 days! 😍

01/31/2024 10:39:17

 Wow, Pat... a new month arrives and I'm
not done w/this one. lol *hugs*

01/29/2024 10:24:20

Merry Monday, Pat:) *hugs*

01/29/2024 09:42:42

May your week be off to a good start. Thankful to be sharing another yr at NOTH with you Pat! πŸ«–

01/29/2024 07:21:09


01/26/2024 12:31:36

Friday again, pal! Hope you have a
fun day filled w/grins 'n giggles:)
*hugs* -di

01/24/2024 10:14:06

Even critters know when it's a good day
for napping... Happy Wednesday:) Pls
send email w/details... ok?

01/23/2024 11:27:19

Is it time to check in, Pat?
Sent w/smiles:) -di

01/21/2024 14:37:29

Wishing you a sunny, serene Sunday, pal!
*hugs* & B-r-r-r's  -di

01/19/2024 13:30:30

'Tis Friday, sweet Pat! Yayyyy!  Lots of us will
be in the deep freeze for a few days,
some w/snow, some w/o. Stay warm & safe!

01/18/2024 10:40:19

The sun is quickly warming the air
from 14ΒΊ to 28ΒΊ this morning. Doc
appmt day for DH, then takey-outey
BBQ for our meal. Make this a really
good day, Pat... where are you? *hugs*

01/16/2024 17:06:21

Very cold temps these past days. Toasty warm in the home.

During these cold spells up North one will see early in the morning what is called Sun Dogs. Breathtaking to see.  Yes the beauty of winter. May you have a a pleasant week. Smiles Gloria

01/16/2024 09:56:24

Icy roads
Schools are closed
Temps too low
But no snow!!

01/15/2024 10:54:50

Hope you're warm 'n cozy, Pat!

01/14/2024 12:13:32

Wishing you a lovely Sunday, PatRuth!

01/13/2024 13:21:20

Have a wonderful weekend, Pat! Any
special plans? Be safe & enjoy those
warm ones around you:) *hugs*

01/11/2024 10:20:53

Have a day you'll enjoy remembering, Pat:)

01/10/2024 11:08:53

Happy mid-week, Pat! Hope your new year
is off to an encouraging start:) *hugs*

01/10/2024 10:27:31

01/08/2024 10:13:48


01/07/2024 11:09:58

Happy Sunday, PatRuth  *hugs* -di

01/06/2024 12:49:23

The first Saturday of the new year... wow.
Whatever you do, pal, share lotsa smiles!

01/03/2024 21:30:34

I love the silent hour of night/For blissful dreams may then arise/Revealing to my charmed sight/What may not bless my waking eyes. ~ Anne Bronte 🌠

01/03/2024 10:55:56

Today to be chilly here; high 42ΒΊ.
I'm reading of a storm coming to
the northeast U.S. this weekend.
Be safe & warm wherever you are!
Happy Wednesday, Pat:) *hugs*

01/02/2024 12:02:41

NY leftovers in freezer; time for
s'ghetti and garlic toast!
I'm hoping this year slows down
a little bit... how 'bout you, Pat? :)

01/01/2024 20:43:40

Start the year with a smile πŸ€—

12/31/2023 20:28:14

12/31/2023 10:28:06

Hope your new year will outshine the
old in blessings, dear PatRuth. *hugs*

12/30/2023 12:16:32

Pat, wishing you a year of luck, love & laughter! πŸ‡

12/30/2023 08:24:28


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