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12/08/2023 10:52:06

It's Friday... all day!!

12/08/2023 07:37:36

Welcome the weekend! Hope you are doing well. Tis the season to be comfy and cozy.🩷

12/07/2023 15:49:33

12/07/2023 10:36:19

Nights are cold; days are mild. I hope
you're liking your changing season, Pat!
*hugs* -di

12/05/2023 16:18:17

Hope your Tuesday is just terrific
and filled w/good things, dear pal!
*hugs* -di

12/05/2023 07:58:09

Hello friend! Are things getting 'holiday' busy for you? Today I'm getting my back shots; with that pain relief I'll be able to start cookie baking by Thursday. 🍪

12/04/2023 15:37:55

Hello my friend. Sending winter hugs and Merry Christmas.
Winter Graphics

Winter Graphics

Winter Graphics

12/04/2023 13:19:57

What a glorious Monday day.  I do believe I do need another cup of coffee, though. Smiles Gloria

            Coffee is a hug in a mug. ~Author unknown

12/04/2023 11:11:33

Merry Monday, pal! I hope
you're enjoying the holiday
spirit:)  *hugs* -di

12/04/2023 09:49:46


12/03/2023 11:40:09

Happy Sunday, Pat:)
*hugs* -di

12/03/2023 08:57:38

May your week be off to a festive start!🎄

12/02/2023 13:12:50

May you  have a glorious weekend. At the moment I am enjoying one of my favorite coffee blends called Creme Brulee and a Creme Brulee creamer to go with it to make it even more special to the taste.

So exciting for in our area we just might see some snowflakes coming down on Monday.  Now wouldn't that be delightful  to ones eyes. Smiles  Gloria

12/02/2023 10:14:15

Happy Saturday, Pat. Hope your
weather is perfect for your plans. We
are getting rain; perfect for us.
But for some football games... not
so much.😳  *hugs* -di

12/01/2023 11:11:43

Hello December 1! Hope your holiday season is merry. I've been working on decor since Nov. 27 & will put the finishing touches on the tree today!🎄

12/01/2023 10:23:00

Happy December, PatRuth! We'll enjoy
each day of this festive month:)
*hugs* -di

11/30/2023 11:06:55

Hope your "today" is a good one, and
busy doing only fun stuff:) *hugs*

11/30/2023 10:42:38

May you have a very pleasant  wintery day today. We did get a bit of dusting of snow  for over night and there is frost on the roof tops.  My how I enjoy winter and all the snow flakes that fall from the sky. Stay warm and I will do the same in our area. Now where did I put that snow shovel.  hahah Smiles   Gloria

            Snowflakes are kisses from heaven. ~Author unknown

11/29/2023 10:15:56

Some of you have snow; others of us have
only cold, but happy that it's ruled by the
sweet absence of dreaded heat! :) I hope
you can enjoy whichever is yours, Pat.

11/29/2023 08:26:31


11/28/2023 10:23:33

Hope you're having a terrific Tuesday! Got some snow over a two-day period in Wonderland. You know it's cold when the sun comes out & the snow doesn't melt. Freya came begging for peanuts when the snow began to fall. There's Jasper in the lower left making sure Freya keeps away while he's on paw patrol. 🐕

11/27/2023 10:51:06

Yikes... someone's putting leaves
back ON the trees!

11/26/2023 08:17:47


11/25/2023 11:34:46

Hello, Pat. Have a super Saturday.
Once all the leaves have left the trees,
we can call the man to clean our gutters.
 C'mon pretties, fly away!  *hugs* -di

11/25/2023 09:45:13

Hope you're having a great weekend. Sunny & 30 degree day in Wonderland. Two squirrels have still been coming by, but they should soon cozy up somewhere for the winter. December is almost upon us.🍄

11/24/2023 12:01:45

Wishing you a peaceful weekend, Pat.
*hugs* -di

11/23/2023 16:20:58

11/22/2023 11:42:16

11/22/2023 08:13:31

PatRuth, thankful for your continued friendship.🍇

11/21/2023 21:08:36

I am stopping by your page to wish you have a blessed Thanksgiving. Christmas are upon us. Have a beautiful day, hugs.

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