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08/20/2020 03:14:09

 Hi Rick - I knew your birthday was in August, but I couldn't remember which day.. Looks like I missed it by a few days.. Looks like it was on August 16.. You're 2 months older than me - well a little less than 2 months.. Happy belated birthday, my friend.. Wishing you only the best..

 *Friends*   Darlene x

08/16/2020 00:46:12


 Hi there Ric.

This past week we have had a variety of weather conditions  with rain, snow and sunshine.  Our Spring is slowly showing its bright colours with the Wattle/acacia trees commencing to bloom along with the Prunis and Almond trees.   Won't be long now and your days should be much cooler

Thats good you have all your shopping done for another month.  Oh yes, there are folks here too that won't stay their correct distance in the Supermarkets.  It's a worry when they group together chatting away and won't get out of the way as they should.

Yes, I've had updates and they have installed OK.  I just let things go naturally without interferring and so far alls good. 

Do hope your weekend is going nicely.  Have a great week. Be safe.   Pat.

08/15/2020 16:34:11

Happy Birthday

Elvis And Marilyn Happy Birthday

Managed to get here tonight to wish you a very happy birthday hun
didnt want you getting "All Shook Up " if i didnt make it here for your special day .
have fun .
do exactly what makes you happy .
Your one hell of a guy .
and the most helful person i have ever known .
Thank you for all you continue to do for me ,i am very very grateful
God Bless
X Summer X

08/14/2020 16:44:50

happy birthday liebe Ines (schwines) !

Well Hun
Its that special time of the year for you again ,i know i am a tad early but just in case i cant get here on your actual day ,i have made sure this year i wish you
Enjoy your special day Sweetpea
eat pizza,cake and all the goodies your little heart desires .
And know your little Summerkins is thinking of you .Today and Always
God Bless You and keep you happy healty and safe .

08/14/2020 00:40:42

  Hello Rick.. It was nice of you to stop by.. I'm looking forward to when I can change my background to a fall scene.. I've had that kitten picture since the spring.. Not into summer, so I'm not into summer designs.. It's been so hot.. So much heat and humidity, which I hate.. Don't even feel like going out.. I'm so looking forward to fall and cooler temps with drier air.. The a/c runs almost constantly.. I'm tired of that running too..

 Are you still wearing those crazy masks? I'm fed up with those damn things.. They irritate me.. What do you do in this heat? Do you stay in?

 Thanks for visting me.. Is always nice to hear from you.. Try to have a pleasant week

  Your friend --- Darlene :-)

08/03/2020 21:37:53

Remembing our Military/Joyful226

Hi Rick so good to hear and write to you today. Wishing you a beautiful day filled with all kinds of wonderful things and Thankfulness. 

Take care we are doing well here and hope you are too. So sorry it has been so long since I was last on. Thanks for hanning in there with me and  being my friend. Your friend... Connie

07/19/2020 15:56:45

Ice cream for you

After all these years you bring me an ice cream ,and you bring me a chocolate one.
By now you must know i dont like chocolate ha ha .couldn't resist,Just joking as usual.I like vanilla or rum and raisin.
Oh and i like it firm to the tongue,i will melt it myself ,So
If its a surprise delivery best you run fast to get it to me before it melts .
I have every faith in you and my Ice Cream.🍦🍦 ha ha ha .
Go Speedy Go !!!!

07/11/2020 23:12:08

Hi Ric.   es,  I do back up everything on the computers.   

Another cold day here with some fine mist. I would prefer a good solid rain as that is more benificial.  Do you know I have noticed the days are just that little bit longer and there is a Kootamurra Wattle tree in the neighbours yard that is almost into blossom.  That's early as it shoud not be flowerinng till early next month.  

How are the temps with you?  are you still having that hot weather?   I hope you have a A/C.  Did you get to the stores to stock up with supplies?

Have the radio on in the background with the description of an AFL game being played.  The team I follow is not doing wel this season but hey not everyone can be at the top all the time.

How is everything with you?  hope you are doing OK.  We were doing so well re the Covid Virus that is until  a few selfish people in Melbourne decided to break all the rules that resulted in a new wave spreading through that city and trying to contain it there is a challenge. It is that minority few who will not abide by the restrictions that are the worry.  The care for no others but themselves. Such a worry.

Enjoy the new week. Hugs and stay safe. Pat.

07/04/2020 16:40:00

4th of July Challenge

Just want to wish my favourite Guy on here a very happy 4th July,
I do hope you get some sleep tonight hun .
what with fireworks and dogs barking .πŸ•β€πŸ¦ΊπŸ•β€πŸ¦ΊπŸ•β€πŸ¦ΊπŸ§¨πŸ§¨πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡
I know you need your sleep hun ,
But hey !!!
You can always catch a nap tomorrow afternoon .
God Bless Youn Sweetpea.
And God Bless America.x

06/19/2020 22:49:51


Hi there Ric.  Well, it's a very wintry day here,  A good day for staying indoors:-)  I've been working on my photos that I've taken over the years and trying to put them into a sensible order plus adding names and places  so the family will know who is in it and where it/they were taken.  I did have most of this done and put on a 16 gig USB stick but somehow that has dissappeared so have to do it all again.  I do have them all on an E Drive but they need to go into files/folders where each one is easier to find.  Mind you I would have a couple of thousand including the 35m slides and old Black & white some of which will have to be scanned again.  This will keep me busy for some time.

How is everything with you?  Did you get your shopping done?  I hope the weather was not too hot for you.

That Possum sounds so cute.  we had a lot here years ago but their habitat has been removed so not many around this area.  I know some people think they are a pest as they do love fruit and some vegies but there are worse creatures than the Possum.

Have a nice day Ric and a relaxing weekend.  Take care and be safe. Pat.

06/14/2020 06:27:28


Hi there Ric.  Do like your Page layout.  It's  real country:-)

Its back to rainy days after several days/nights of very severe frosts that did some damage to a few plants but not to worry as I have many cuttings growing in containers at the back that I can plant out in the spring.

Made a Tuna curry Mornay earlier that I'll have for tonights meal.  

You must be pleased that you have cleaned those Gutter Guards.  Have you many trees growing nearby that drop leaves?  The neighbour just south of me has one with the branches hanging over my yard and its dropping leaves in my gutters and back yard.  It really is creating a lot of work just  cleaning up each day.

Not a lot happening this week.

The sporting venues have started again with limited  spectators  along with more business's so things are gradually returning to normal.  

Youu have  a nice day Ric and a fantastic week.   Stay safe..  Pat.

06/06/2020 22:28:08


Another cold day here but not as bad as yesterday where the temps were in the 30's  but at least the sun does occasionally peep through today to brighten things

 It's a Long weekend here (Public Holiday Monday)  and restrictions have been relaxed enough to allow families to venture off to Caravan Parks or recreation areas if they so wish.  Time will tell if that was a good sound idea.  

Bought a Pizza yesterday when I was at the Supermarket and had some last night for Dinner.  That's the first one I've had for ages as I'm really not keen on them but just felt like something different.  I most probably won't have another one now for 12 months or more.

Thats a nice Page Ric. Real country:-)

Have a pleasant and safe weekend Ric. Pat.

06/01/2020 18:06:00


Hi there Rick! Wishing you a beautiful 1st day of June, the month of roses love and pearls. I have been quite busy the last few weeks with Memorial day and all. I made a PowerPoint presentation which took like forever and getting my weekly publication out. Plus Bob's doctor's appointments etc. He is fine just routine check ups etc. But at least you can see the doctor now where we live. I love your page. I hope you are doing well and staying safe. BlessingsConnie

06/01/2020 06:17:22


Well, our first official day of Winter was cold, wet and dreery. Such a good day to be indoors in the warmth.   The forecast is for tomorrow to be much the same.  Lots of things I can find to do indoors to keep me out of mischief.

Your sunny weather sure sounds nice. How high are your temps when you say a Heatwave?  May  be it will only last for a few days then back cooler again.

So glad you got the Mower problem sorted out.  Bet your lawn is looking nice now.  That grass grows so quickly in the Spring.   I sure don't miss cutting the lawn however my neighbour has a large decidious tree that is hanging over my yard and it continually dropping leaves that I have to clean up.  Problem is those leaves are also getting into the gutters on my house.  Guess I may have to have Gutter Guards installed.

Have an appointment at the Hair Salon tomorrow for a much needed trim so am looking forward to that.

You have a pleasant week Ric.  Stay safe.  Pat.

05/30/2020 06:44:56


Hi Ric.   Oh my, but we have had a wild and woolie day here with the wind blowing a gale but never the same direction twisting and throwing whatever if could lift then dumping it.  I haven't heard of any major damage at this stage but there sure will be some cleaning up to do when it finally decides to quieten down.

Now that your days are longer and warmimg up you will be able to spend more time outdoors. Have you any projects on the go?  Have you finished the painting job you were doing?

That's a cute Page you have there Ric.  Love the colours.

Enjoy this day doing all the things you like to do. Be safe... Pat.

05/27/2020 15:59:03

xRick7701x wrote:

Here is that dance video Summer ,hope you like it.  :)

Loved the Vid hun thank you ,

thats exactly how some of it was at dance classes ,

not quite competition material but they were being assessed and marked .

That tune was an old fav of mine too ,so good find .Thank You .

05/26/2020 17:32:36

Forest Fairy Wallpapers - Top Free Forest Fairy Backgrounds ...

Wowee!!! Not been here for a while Hun ,you sure have a lovely page ,and i notice a lot of "US PICTURES" nod nod wink wink , You have done a grand Job lots of little hidden messages Love it all .Cant wait to start my own Blingee making again ,probably in the autumn ,But for now i will just enjoy yours .Thank you for visiting my page Hun and for all the lovelyness you send .

God Bless .

X   Summer   X

05/17/2020 06:35:49


Hi There Ric.  Many thanks for the Birthday Wishes. So nice of you.  I did have a nice day with family at different times of the day.  Have heaps of chocolates now:-) 

How was your week?  How is your area doing re the Covid Virus?  I hope its much better now for everyone.  Our State has been free for the past two weeks so restrictions are gradually being eased/  It hasn't bothered me all that much as I've plenty to do at home.

How is that Mower going?  Have you managed to get it started?  How large is your lawn area?  Now your into Spring it must be growing rapidly.

You have a nice day Ric and a safe week. Take care.Pat.

05/12/2020 17:43:29





05/12/2020 17:37:45

Gothic, Fantasy, Fantasy Girl, Fairy

Your page looks lovely Hun 

You did a good Job .

Cant see the video though it doesnt show .

I see you made some new Blingees too and put them on .

Maybe i will have time one day to make some more ,change my Page .

and i might even take it out of private .

I have so many requests for friendships ,i will keep them and research them one day hopefully when i get time to correspond.

God Bless .

stay safe 

X   Summer   X

05/12/2020 07:01:52


Hi there Ric.   It seems like Winter does not want to go away if you are still having cold weather.  Well. Summer can't be too far away.

I'll bet that garage floor is looking rather nice now its painted.  There is always work to be done around the house and yard.

Are you having problems starting your Mower?  Yes it could be that the fuel/gas you are using is too old and accumalated some particles and sediment. I guess you need to empty the tank well before putting in the new lot.  Its no  fun when they won't start. I'm so happy I don't have lawns to mow now. Sure won't miss that task.

Very chilly here last night and morning. The frosts are now settling in. Once the sun was shining it gradually warmed the air.  I did manage to get in some gardening during the afternoon. There are a few shrubs and plants already in the garden that I'm going to thin out or remove as they are not  the type of thing I want there but I'll do that a little at a time.

Thanks for the Mother's Day wishes Ric. Yes I did have a nice day spent with family at different times during the day.  

You have a nice day and a pleasant week. Take good care and be safe my friend.  Pat.

05/09/2020 05:39:13


Well it's been rather a cool last few days here along with rain.  I can feel Winter is close at hand.  Swept up the leaves that are  falling from my Neighbours tree into my back area during the day. It's the first evergreen tree I've known to constantly drop leaves. Hopefully this will stop when Winter is fully upon us.

What were you painting Ric?  was it a big job?  One thing I won't miss is mowing lawns as I've not any here in my new home.  I've set out several plants in my front garden but left them in the pots until I'm satisfied thats where i want them then they can go into the ground.

Went for a short walk with one of my little dogs earlier and now they are both curled up asleep.

Do hope that you have a pleasant day doing all the things you like to do. Stay safe...Pat.

05/03/2020 05:15:01


Hi Ric. I'm not fussed about what game you think to cease as we can always return to it sometime in the future.  You start the new one and I'll go along with whatever you choose.

Quite a pleasant day here with the sun breaking through around midday. I swept the neighbours leaves that had fallen into my yard and got quite a pile to put into th bin.I've never known an evergreen tree to lose so many leaves as this one does and especially on windy days.

Went to the Supermarket in the afternoon and topped up with the essentials came home and packed everything away before  taking one of my little dogs for a short walk. Had  some crumbed lemon & Garlic flavourd fish with a few chips and side Salad now relaxing at the computer with the TV going in the background. 

There is a definate frosty feeling in the night air now, another sign that Winter is well on the way.

Have a pleasant day and a fulfilling week.  Take care and stay safe...Pat.

04/30/2020 20:57:07


Re those games Ric. I will leae it to you as to what to use and discard. Mond you I think we have had the ING game long enough even though their are still many words to use but we can always come back to it in the future.  A new game will be refreshing

Well things are beginning to look a little better in most countries so hopefully we are all on the road to recovery from this devastating Virus.  We have had one clear week of new cases within our State and restrictions are slowly being lifted but very cautiously. How is everything with you?

  I spent yesterday afternoon working in the garden trimming plants and clearing the weeds that are growing madly since the rain.  My daughter bought in some Field Musshrooms that she had picked. They were delicious.

I hope that the new month will bring you much health, peace and joy. Hugs and take care. Pat.

04/23/2020 22:37:00

Wishing you a beautiful day filled with only good things peace, reflection. contemplation, Joy, and Love. Well here in UPSTATE NY we have to wear masks. I saw a lady I didn't know but she said Hi and I said (which was true) Hi I am smiling under my mask. She laughed. She had hers on too. Take care keep safe Hugs and prayers Connie

04/23/2020 01:46:50


Hi Ric. Well that's good you have the shopping out the way.  I did mine on the weekend so looks like we both are stocked up for awhile now.  Still many essential items not on the shelves simply because they are dissappearing almost as quick as they stock them.  So many people were bulk buying and now are trying to sell it online ar wanting the stores to buy it back. That's prohibited/illegal here so now they are stuck with everything.

My grandson has a few hives of Bees and gave me a jar of fresh golden honey. Its sooo delicious. Takes me back to my childhood when my father kept quite a few hives and we children had to help him extract the honey. Mind you the bees weren't too happy about that:-)

Enjoy your new day. Stay safe. Pat.

04/12/2020 09:28:51

Christ has Risen Joyful226

Christ the Lord has risen today Hallelujah! Wishing you a wonderful and Blessed Easter aka Resurrection Day.

Easter Feast. Joyful226

Easter Feast Although this year we may not be able to gather together
in person we can in spirit meaning of this creation is found on my page
under food. Just added.

May you have a wonderful Easter in spite of everything.

Hugs your friend in upstate NY Connie

04/11/2020 23:42:57


Hi there Ric.

Well. Easter has arrived and it will be somewhat different for many people this year but I hope and trust a safe one for all. 

Its Easter Sunday midday as I sit here sending messages.  It's a beautiful sunny day after a crisp morning.  I do hope that your day will be a pleasant one. Enjoy and take care. Pat.

04/09/2020 11:31:37

Sheppard leaves the 99 by Joyful226

dear Rick! How are you?  My page for Holy is week is finished
with a some extra information about how special each day is starting
today with Mundy Thursday (the Last Supper) With pictures I created
and some history.  I do hope you will and look and read if you want to
listen to the music by Sandi Patty and are using chrome you can turn it
on to others it will automaticly play but if you want to turn it off
you can as well... But I hope you will listen to at least once through.
May our Lord Jesus Christ and His Love for us bless you this Holy week.
The passover story under the picture of it is to let you know what it
is all about I do hope you will come and see it. The background is
by Pamela D. I want to give a special thank you to Pamela D and her
amazing creative ablitlies and Doc. Shell for sharing it on her site
and with our dear friend no longer on NOTH Elizabeth H. who inspired
this background. Most all the creations on the page are created by me
except of course the music video taken from the Passion of the Christ.

Love and may God richely bless Connie

02/29/2020 21:48:42

Childhood memories Playing wedding. Joyful226

Hi Rick  Thank you so much for the Birthday well wishes. It was indeed good and just keeps going. Although the weather here isn't that great. I am enjoying it anyway. To day is Leap Day as this is Leap year. Take care Hugs and blessings Connie

xRick7701x wrote:

Happy Birthday Connie

many more to come

Have a blessed day,,,,xRick

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