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02/11/2020 17:05:27

Just in case i cant get here Hun ,have a very happy Valentine Day ,

Know you are in my thoughts .

God Bless

From your little English summerkins .x

02/08/2020 19:56:31

Hi Ric.

Hoping you are having a pleasantly warm and cozy evening. It's a windy morning here and the sun is shining warmly. I'll have to check to see the weather for a cool change as it feels like one is blowing in also could be a thunderstorm too as my little dog who is frightened of storms is stressing out as she does when storms are around. 

I notice our days are getting a little shorter especially in the mornings. I guess your looking forward to sping. The way the weeks are speeding by it will be with you before you know it:-). Have a nice evening and a relaxing Sunday. God Bless. Pat.

01/29/2020 06:01:13

Hi Ric.  Did you manage to get your shoppimg done?  I did mine yesterday and that will keep me stocked up for some time. Next time I go to the Supermarket I get $10 off my shop. That's from bonus points that I earnt.  I have to go to town again tomorrow morning on business but won't stay there any longer than I have too.

Not sure about there being a cashless society here yet. It could be in some places around Sydney but I've not heard of it. It won't catch on very quickly.  It's like those Self Service Checkouts. Not too many people use them.  I've gone through a couple of times but prefer the normal checkouts.

Have been sitting here watching the Tennis match being played this evening. It's a sport I never played but still looks good to watch.

Warming up here again as the temps have been over 100 for several days and much warmer tomorrow then cooling off near the end of the week.  At the rate the weeks are speeding by it won't be long and Autumn will be here.  Enjoy your day. Hugs Pat.

01/22/2020 17:35:29

Forever New Collection

Thought I would surprise you with my new Blingee Rickykins.
So nice to be back at Blingee if only for a short while .
Lovely Page here hun,your doing great ,keep it up.
Stay Safe ,Stay Healthy
And keep warm .God Bless you always .
Your little Summerkins .I am
Never too far away.

01/22/2020 05:28:36

Oh your weather does sound cold Ric.  I hope it warms up before you have to go to the stores. 

I used to have a pair of those Headphones that covered the ears but they finally wore out and i never replaced them.  they had individual volume controll for each ear piece/cover and were very comfortable. 

Monday  and Tuesday were really busy and full days for me but much quieter today so took things easier:-)  Tomorrow will be spent on the usual house chores with an extra deep clean.  

You have a real nice day Ric. Take care. Pat.

01/18/2020 19:58:54

Hi Ric.  You certainly did get a bargain with your Headset.  I rarley do shopping on the Internet for several reasons.  One has to pay for the shipment which can take the price much higher and if its not right or something is wrong or does not fit then you have to send it back and that's a real hasle/pain that I don't want to bother with. Also shopping locally keeps jobs. Also If it was clothing or shoes I like to try things on as differnt Brands have totally different sizing.  

All the games are going well and the new ones are a nice challenge.

My daughter drove me to the City last Thursday for an appointment at the RAHospital  for an MRI on my back regarding surgery. On the way home we managed to do a little shopping and got some bargains.  That was nice. 

Its going to be a busy week for me with something on most every day.  The weather is a little cooler so that will be good. 

Have a nice evening Ric. Take care and God Bless. Pat.

01/13/2020 18:20:24

Good evening Ric. That's a nice bright page you have there:-)

All those new Games are a pleasant change.  That beginning and ending with the same letter is more of a challenge.  I've been jotting down on paper ones each time I think of them then transfer to a Word doc on the computer so they are handy when I want to use one.

A warmish day here but won't be as hot as we have had.  I need to go to town on business later and also call into the supermarket for some things especially coffee Latte. Love the Hazlenut flavour:-)

I sure do hope your evening will be cozy warm and relaxing. Take care & God Bless. Pat.

01/07/2020 17:13:00


Made a Blingee tonight.the first one for over a year .will make a better one next time ,just wanted to know i still remembered how to do them .xx
Whooo.takes time though looking for stamps .
God Bless .
X Summer X

12/31/2019 10:32:57

your New Year be filled with wonderful experiences, good health,
prosperity, and love and may you be able to stick to whatever New Year's
resolution you made. :) HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020. Love and Hugs Connie

12/30/2019 16:31:49


Happy New Year to the Bestest Cyber friend ever.
May the year ahead be full of happiness and health for my little Gem Friend that is you .
God Bless You Always Rickykins .
Big Big Hug ,might throw in a little kiss too x
There you go .x
X Summer X

12/30/2019 04:22:38


Hi Ric. That was a nice Blingee graphic you made. You did good work there.

Yes, it has been rather hot here  and today was no exception with temps over the century and strong winds that blew up a bad Duststorm dropping visibilty way down. Then came the electrical storm that passed rather quickly thank goodness as they are always such a worry in the heat and dry.   Thankfully, so far we have not been effected by the major Bushfires burning as they are further to the south. Not much hope of them being put out unless we get a good heavy rain and thats not forecast.  

Your weather sounds rather warm for this time of the year or does that happen your way? 

 I need to go to town tomorrow for some items so hoping it will be a little cooler then.

Have a pleasant day Ric. God Bless. Pat.

12/28/2019 04:56:29


Good Morning Ric.  I've not been home long from Church Service made myself a cold serve and a mug of iced coffee followed by Watermelon.   Just the thing for our present warm temps.  Going to be warmer tomorrow and Monday and possibly storms.  Not looking forward to the storms because of lightning with the countryside so very dry.  There are enough Fires burning here without any more starting up.

Not much on the TV this evening so am thinking I may begin a new Book later.  What have you planned for the weekend?  Whatever it is I wish you well.  God Bless and take care. Pat.

12/22/2019 16:17:29

Merry Christmas

Hi sweetpea
My dear Little Rickykins
Just popped by to wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year 2020
You desreve the very best that life can give you ,thank you for being the amazing friend you are ,your new friends are lucky to have you .
God Bless you always Honey Bunny
Forever New
X Summer X

12/21/2019 19:26:41

Hi Ric.  I haven't been near town and the stores since last Friday but it was reasonably quiet. I think it was far too hot and windy for most people to venture out.  Unfortunately there were many Bushfires thru-ought our State causing major damage with homes destroyed. Most are under controll now. Thankfully there were none in our area although I notice this morning there is a smokey haze hovering around. 

There is a Market on in town today but I don't think I'll bother to go.  I need to finish cleaning all the rubbish that blew in with those Winds Friday. Got all the front done yesterday and along the sides and just have the back yard to do.

You have a pleasant evening Ric and a relaxing Sunday. God Bless. Pat.

12/12/2019 18:02:30

Hi Ric. Almost the end of the week again.  Not long to Xmas now. Mind you I haven't a great deal to do. Not bothering about decorations this year. May put up the Crib/nativity scene later.  You have a pleasant evening Ric. God bless and take care. Pat.

12/02/2019 19:15:38


Hi Ric. Do hope you are having fun with the Xams decorations.  Not sure I will bother about too much this year.  It's the thought of taking everything down and packing away that puts me off.  Mind you I did lots in years gone by especially when the family were younger.

Our summer began with temps in the low 50's, rain and windy with snow falling in the Alps region.  Who knows we may have a "white Xmas".   Me, I'm hoping for the traditional warm day:-)

You enjoy the new week. God Bless and take care. Pat.

11/27/2019 16:32:18


Have the best day tomorrow hun,
Happy Thanksgiving.
Eat Pizza and be happy
God Bless.

X   Summer   X

11/24/2019 21:22:55

Happy Thanksgiving/Joyful226

Hi Rick, I thought I would come and look at your page very nice!. I'll be busy from now until after Thanksgiving so I took it off for the WFP. Here's Wishing you a very Happy, safe and Blessed Thanksgiving your friend Connie

11/23/2019 05:16:06


Hi Ric.      Another week almost gone.  I sure hope it has been a good one for you.  Well, its been quite a busy one for me with voluntary work and appoinments to attend also time at the Supermarket stocking up with essential items.  When at home have been working in the garden watering and  pampering the shrubs & Roses encouraging them to flower just a little bit longer before the really hot weather arrives. 

We did have one particular hot & windy day with temps just on 100°.  There were several nasty fires burning in other parts of the State but thankfully not around here.   Sadly many of these fires are deliberately lit.  I had one of my little dogs Bathed and clipped for the summer months.  Now all three have been done.   

I do hope your weekend will be all you desire. Enjoy.  Take care. Pat.

10/31/2019 22:01:02

Hi Rick!  Wishing you a wonderful and safe Halloween!!

is rainy today and a cold front is moving in where I am in upstate New
York USA.  But most of the trick and treaters were aware of it, so
parties were held last weekend. I heard on the news that some were
thinking of moving Halloween!! How do you move a Holiday lol.

was so named really All Hallows Eve way back in the day... which was
the day before All Hallows Day which when this was started a l ong time
ago Hallows were Holy or Saints Day which then became All Saints day.
But somewhere a long the line All Hallows Eve became Halloween and All
Hallows Day became All Saints Day, as the language changed. The day
after All Saints Day which is the 1st of November, then the 2 nd of
November is all Souls Day. That was a day that the Catholic church
prayed for those that have departed and are in purgatory.  

May you havea wonderhul and very safe Halloween and rest of the week too. Your friend Connie

10/24/2019 23:52:41

Hi Rick Wishing you a very Happy and Blessed Day and have a Happy and Safe Halloween

Your friend Connie

10/08/2019 23:58:46

  Hello Rick,

Thank you for stopping by yesterday and for the nice birthday wishes.. How did you know it was the 8th? That video was something.. I felt sorry for that poor deer.. Had to of been really scared to do something that dramatic.. It looked so confused..

  Hope your day and evening are pleasant..

  From an ole friend  -- Darlene

10/06/2019 18:29:13

Autumn Fairy

Just thought i would pop by and leave you a little magic hun .
I do hope your little problem will be solved real soon ,and your wishes come true ,i dont like it when your sad hun .So if things are meant to be they will all be resolved pretty fast ,I am waving my wand here and sending you fairy wishes .God Bless
X Summer X

09/29/2019 18:40:31


Hi Rick, Sorry I have been off again, Way to much going on including finding out how bad my back is. Wishing you a wonderful and blessed Sunday. Hugs Connie

06/27/2019 04:49:49


Good Morning Ric.  A new day for you as my Thursday is coming to a close.  Sun was shining pleasantly which gave me a good oppotunity to catch up with  a few outdoor chores.  I sprayed the weeds in the front yard and down the side of the house and a little in the upper backyard. Then cleaned out the Bird Avairy. Finally, I topped up the woodbox for my Combustion Heater. Came indoors and wrote a letter.  Now I can sit back and feel pleased with all that all done.  

Hope you have a nice pleasant day. Take Care Pat.

05/12/2019 17:44:54

Happy anniversary

Eleven years hun .AND COUNTING

Wonder if Noth will still be running in another eleven years .

Congratulations .

God Bless

X   Summer   X

05/03/2019 03:17:14


Thank you for all your lovely and welcome messages and for staying in touch while I was absent due to the Cataract Surgery. Also many thanks for the Birthday greetings. It is so greatly appreciated. Hugs Pat.

04/29/2019 22:13:44

Lily of the Valley girl. Joyful226

Hi Rick... I have been meaning to write to you but have been busy thank you for the update infromation on Summer...I had a wonderful Easter but this weekend on Sunday it was cold and snowy and rainy so much so I didn't want to get out at all. Well dear friend thanks for keeping me up to date I am so thankful that you do. Wishing you a wonderful day your friend...Connie

04/18/2019 17:59:08

Hi Hun.

Thank you for the visit,and thank you for your help on the music embed site

have a lovely Easter ,and dont eat to many chicken legs.

Happy Easter

03/10/2019 21:49:14

 Victorian Winter Wonderland  Joyful226I

Hi Rick, good to hear from you. Well, I am still waiting for the snow to quit! I swear sometimes it feels more like I am in Alaska than in  Upstate NY. Wind, cold and snow Happy Spring LOL.  But rain, snow, sleet, hail or even Sunshine. Have a great day. Love and hugs. Connie'

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