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02/14/2019 18:03:35

JellyMuffin.com graphics & Images

Thank you for the visit hun .and the valentine .
god Bless you always ,
you are and alays have been my little bestie .
I am lucky to have you in my life .
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Dont eat to many chocs.πŸ«πŸ’–πŸ‘­πŸ•πŸ˜‚

01/19/2019 20:25:00

Hi Ric. Thanks for the visit. Well, you said that there would be a snowfall of a foot or more and you were right.  That's a lot of snow to shovel but at least now you have a path again even if only for a short time.  You would be feeling like a good rest now. I've noticed most in the mornings that our days are slowly becoming shorter and the sun is moving in a different position going by the shadows that it casts so you are gradually heading towards warmer months. That's something to look forward too. I'm about ready to go grab a snack for Lunch as it almost 1 am here. Temps are in the low 90's and that's nice but its warming up again as the week progresses.

You have a good night and let's hope no more snow falls during the night. Take care. Pat.

01/01/2019 04:37:48


Happy New Year

May this new year bring you Blessings, good Health, Happiness and contentment.

Well, the day is fast closing in here with the time past 9 pm. Weatherwise it's been very pleasant with the temps hovering around the mid-80's.  Mind you its predicted to rise up over the century again by Thursday with a change rolling in. Just hope we don't get any electrical storms. They are a worry especially the dry ones.  

Thank you Ric, for being such a good Friend. I do appreciate it. Enjoy the day and the New Year.

Take care. Pat.

12/29/2018 16:30:43

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Honey Bunny .
Hope those fireworks dont keep you awake ,stuff up your ears its bound to be a noisy night .
See you soon .
X Summer X

12/23/2018 19:57:01


Good Evening Ric.  Just doing a quick trip around the Hill while I'm catching up with the morning chores.  Going to be a warm day here before it ends. Probably 100 or over.  Have the laundry out drying which won't take long today. Need to do some essential shopping later but want to catch up with friends before I do.  Have a peaceful night. Pat.

12/22/2018 16:25:21

Just Popped by to wish you a very happy christmas ,choose a prezzie under the tree,make a wish ,and its yours ,OK ??

If you look out the window ,you might see me building you a snowman,dont come out though,unless you want to join me in a snowball fight .

whoopie Doo.


12/03/2018 22:39:45

Victorian Christmas  Joyful226

 Hi Rick.. Cute page! So nice to hear from you. Sorry I have not been on so much. I have had my granddaughter here we will take her home on Wednesday but she sure has been a big help with helping us decorate our house. Wishing you a beautiful day. Snowing here in Upstate NY. I hope you have a great day and week ahead... Hugs and Love to my dear friend. Connie

11/26/2018 18:21:51

Your page looks lovely hun .

and i like the picture you were mentioning.it looks just fine .

Your doing a great job .

i probably wont get time this year to do my page .

but maybe next year .

got to much other stuff to sort out .

God Bless .

All looks lovely here .

Well Done .

X   Summer   X

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