Hello Rick - Stopping by to wish you a happy birthday. I just remembered, so I thought I best send it now, so I wouldn't forget. You know, I do have a lot on my mind lately! I just bought a new keyboard last week. It's one that lights up. This way I can use it in low lighting.
Hi Ric. Beautiful warm sunny day here and seems it will be like this well into next week. I’m thinking I may get out into the garden and do some weeding then. Not today though as I’m about to start wrapping the G Grandies birthday gifts that were dropped off during the week. I give their mother money so she can purchase their gifts as she knows what they want and need. I do this with their Xmas pressies too and it works well for all of us. Then later in the day I’ll be off to church service. Enjoy your weekend. God bless. Pat.
Good morning. Well a new week begins. Hope it will be a good one for you. Have you any special plans? I’m sure there will be lots of jobs that need doing. They have a bad habit of mounting up.
It’s a Long weekend here with a public holiday on Monday. I’ve not ventured out apart from driving to Church. Much safer off the roads at this time. There was a Town Market yesterday where all local products and crafts are for sale where a person can get good bargains but there’s nothing I want so gave that a miss. I’ve only a couple of appointments this week so should have some extra time to spend doing the things I like. Enjoy the new week. God Bless. Pat.
Hello Ric. We have had very welcome rain this past week and the farmers and Graziers are very pleased as it is the first good rain we have had in several months so everything was very dry. This will help grow the crops that have been dry seeded and the grass will begin to grow. Good for our gardens too so smiles all around. Lets hope we have follow up rains. Sadly, 3 of our Church members have passed away in the last few weeks. They will be greatly missed and all such nice people. Enjoy your day. God bless. Pat.
Hubby finally got most of the grass mowed yesterday.. Last week while trying to mow grass, the mower broke down.. He ordered the part he needed from ebay and it just got here on Friday.. So the grass had another week of growing and all this rain we got helped it to grow faster.. There are large clumps of grass in the backyard because it grew higher than it should have.. The back always gets higher than the front..
Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.. Take Care
Hi Ric What are your plans for the weekend. Have you caught up with all the chores that require your attention? There always seem to be some jobs around the home and yard that need seeing too.
My daughter and I went to Adelaide today to meet my grandson’s future inlaws. He will be getting married in December. It was a lovely sunny autumn day and Zuzia’s family are so very nice. It was an awesome day. We arrived home just on 6pm tired but happy with the day.
Another frosty night heading our way. There is a real nip in the air already.
I’m thinking I’ll have a quiet day at home tomorrow.
Well, good morning to you Ric. What are your plans for today? Whatever they are I hope they will be relaxing and enjoyable. I guess now your almost into summer you are busy doing yard work. Do you grow any Vegetables or have any fruit trees?
Have those little cheeky squirrels been visiting? They sure are cute. We don't have any here. Lots of blackbirds scratching in the garden scattering the mulch everywhere but they have a lovely song.
Would you say that I'm picking on you? lol.. There's a lady on here that has the same background as you do, but that okay though because she doesn't come here and you don't go there.. Just wanted to tell you that one other person (that I see) likes this background too.. Have a pleasant evening (what's left of it)
P.S. It would be nice if Summer and I could take you out to a nice restaurant..