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03/31/2024 01:30:25

Hi Ric. Do hope you are enjoying the Easter Weekend and not into too many chocolates Lol.  Enjoy Pat.

03/30/2024 15:13:41

  It's one of those lazy days.. It's been raining here all day.. I don't mind it though.. I like the rain.. It's soothing to me.. By the way, do you like jelly beans? I like to snack on them once in awhile.. Being that it's Easter, made me think of them, so I got 2 bags earlier.. Couldn't resist.. My favorite colors are the black and red ones (preferably the spicey kind).. After Easter, Walmart will have have all their Easter stuff 50% off.. Maybe you'll have some stores out your way that will give good buys on Easter stuff..  ME

03/30/2024 08:15:19

03/29/2024 18:27:11

  Happy Easter to you, Rick

 What will you have to eat on Easter Sunday - a pizza or possibly some chicken?  We're having baked ham.. Usually have ham for Easter. I like the leftovers.. Good for sandwiches or fry up with some eggs for breakfast.. Never heard of Big Bite water before. Must be something new

 Have a nice evening .. Take Care

03/28/2024 17:08:32


Loving the new page hun ,it shows off the pictures perfectly not to overwhelming.

i have bought little eggs for everone that when you immurse them in water the eggs hatch a baby dinasaur,Then you leave the baby in water and it will grow bigger .

much more interesting than a painted egg .

my sister will do the egg hunt for the choc eggs coloured by the children themselves some of them .

the rest are hidden by the easter bunny .

Happy easter to you to sweetie /

hope your aches and pains improve with time .x

god Bless

X   Summer   X

03/27/2024 09:10:13

03/23/2024 23:16:45

03/11/2024 05:42:46

Hi Ric.  Sure hope this new week will be an enjoyable one for you. Have you anything special planned for the week?  Whatever it is I hope it will be all you desire. God bless.  Pat.

03/10/2024 23:48:39

03/10/2024 15:16:23

  We're on 'fake time' now. So screwed up. I got up at my usual time, but according this nutty time it was an hour later. This time change makes no sense. I think we should stay on the original time all year round. Arizona stays on one time. That state did not change their clocks today..

03/07/2024 14:38:47

    You should start putting together a novel and title it 'Rick's Unfortunate Mishaps'.  I'm sure you would have the pages filled up in no time at all.. Have a pleasant evening..

02/27/2024 01:16:49

Hi Ric.  That's a nice pleasant page you have.  Hope you have had a good week and that the new one will also be pleasant. Almost the end of the month.  Are you having signs of Spring?  Just short of 100 here but cooling down now.  Soon our warm summery weather wiil be gone and the cold ones settle in. I'm not looking forward to that.  Enjoy your day. Take care. Pat.

02/17/2024 08:06:36

02/14/2024 09:51:21

02/13/2024 23:39:04

02/09/2024 17:28:35

Happy Valentine Hun .

Everything has gone wrong tonight..

sorry i wasnt able to get to you in time ,

hope everything worked out just fine for you .

in case i cant get here until next week ,i just wanted to wish you a happy valentines day .

God Bless Sweetie.

X   Summer   X

01/31/2024 07:04:08

01/31/2024 01:46:42

Hello Rick.  I think those little squirrels kind of like you that’s why they keep coming back for the peanuts. It must be hard for them through the winter months to find food especiall when their stores have run out.

Since moving to my Unit, I don’t have any lawns to mow or water now. Can’t say I’m sorry about that. However, I’ve still got a reasonably garden area both at the front and back. Certainly enough to keep me busy.

 A very pleasant 80f this afternoon. Here we are at the end of January and already heading into our last month of Summer. Does not seem all that long ago when it was the first month of summer.

Had to fast overnight as I had to have a Blood Test so no brekkie until late morning. That's OK as I usually only have a slice of toast and a cup of tea. Also had my hair trimmed while in town then back home again. The town was busy and it took me sometime to find a good convenient Park.

Our morning and afternoon gatherings have started again for the New Year. Scrabble on Monday and the Fortnightly Friday Social Group commences this week. Also went to a friends 90th Birthday gathering last Saturday and met up with some people that I had not seen for awhile.

Spent much of last week working in the garden, cleaning and trimming shrubs, re potting plants and I also planted Petunias in pots and a Tomatoe bush. At this stage they are all looking good.  Enjoy your Wednesday. Take Care Pat.

01/28/2024 09:02:23

01/20/2024 23:55:43

Hi Ric.   It's a pleasant 80f this afternoon but warming up during the week probably around the 100 but that's to be expected. Went to the Garden Centre earlier and bought some Petunia's and a small Russelia shrub also Potting mix as I need to pot a Tomatoe Bush also several other plants. Will do that later this evening. What doesn't get done this evening I'll do tomorrow. Went to a  friend’s Birthday Dinner last Friday. Had a nice meal of beef Snitzel with chips and gravy plus a side salad. I only have a half serve otherwise it’s far too much for me. Have a pleasant Sunday and a great week. Take care Pat.

01/06/2024 22:15:04

Hi Ric. What a Lovely Page you have. I love that type of scenery.   

How are those new shoes going? Have they needed much breaking in?  That's a good price for a decent pair of shoes.  I certainly would not pay $200 for a pair. I know people do as I see that online in our local "for Sale" section on facebook where someone has bought a pair online and when they arrive find that they don't fit so they try and sell them locally.  The price you paid is about what I would do.

 It’s very peaceful. A quiet day here and apart from the usual house chores I've not done anything exciting. All the usual Group activities that I go to are on their Xmas break and won't commence until the end of this month or early next.

It's been Humid and thundery weather here these past two days. We have had some rain but so far have missed out on the heavy storms that are causing flooding in many areas. Mainly in the built up City places where the water can't run off. The rains that we have had this summer are good for the Countryside and also the gardens and keeps everything fresh and green. Take care. Pat.

01/06/2024 12:21:44

happy caturday

01/04/2024 11:01:12

really cold here today

got the fireplace burning

made bread and cookies

to warm up the house..hope

day is a happy one..mk

01/02/2024 06:01:25

Hi Ric.  I hope your New Year went well. Did you do anything special? My day here was quiet. That’s the best of living in a rural area. I did sit up on the eve not to see the New Year in however I couldn't sleep and was reading a book. No noisy fireworks to upset the dogs which was a blessing. Of course all the major cities had fireworks and celebrations  were on TV but I never bother to watch anything.  

My daughter came for Dinner on the day. After clearing up we played a game of scrabble then when it was dark we took a drive around the Valley to see all the festive lights.

 A pleasant day today with the temps in the mid 80’s. Did the laundry and have that all packed away then cut up some Watermelon to put in the fridge for snacks and Salads. Watered the front and back gardens and now in relaxing with the computer.

My best wishes to you are for good health and happiness in 2024 and may everything good come your way. I hope and pray for peace and the end to all conflicts/wars in 2024.

God Bless. Pat.

12/21/2023 06:27:48

 Our nice mild weather continues to spoil us here.  It has been quite a busy day apart from the usual daily chores I went to town to have my hair trimmed, then off to collect a ceiling fan that I had ordered. The streets were so busy it was hard to find a park close to the store. Took me three attemps before I found one close enough. Fortunately one of the staff carried the box out to the car for me of that I was very grateful. Also went to the Post Office to mail  the last of the cards then back home. Oh yes, I did pop into the supermarket to get a half Kilo of cherries. These have come from interstate and a reasonable price and most importantly are delicious. also some red seedles Table grapes & fresh apricots. I do like my fresh fruit.

Now its evening and I'm watching the Cricket on TV as I sit here. I think that's sort of multi-tasking with pleasure LOL.  Enjoy your day. Hugs Pat.

12/17/2023 08:46:58

being born and raised in the midwest, it seems strange not to have any snow this close to christmas...hope the holidays are treating you kind..marykay

12/03/2023 18:12:57

Merry Christmas (HAPPY)

Merry Christmas sweetpea.

Just in case for some reason i cvant get online to wish you a merry Christmas

I will say it now

Merry Christmas and a very very happy New Year.

God Bless You Always hun and keep ypu safe and well .

Love as always

X   Summer   X

11/23/2023 15:56:41

Precious Moments

Just popped by to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving.

Dont forget its those critters Thanksgiving too.

they be coming in fiull force to say Thankyou to you for all the nuts and popcorn you give them .

Me i am here to give thanks to my dear friend for all the research you do for me to save me precious time when i am online .

So Thank You Muchly

I appreciate You .

God Bless You Always Rickykins

X   Summer   X

11/23/2023 00:43:01

   Good afternoon Rick...

Stopping by to say hello.  We may wait until Friday to go out for turkey dinner.  He wants to finish connecting up the Christmas lights on Thursday.  Planning to turn the lights on Saturday evening..

 Hope you have a relaxing weekend.. x Darlene x

11/22/2023 02:37:28

Hello good morning! I send you a ray of LIGHT, for this 

one, WEDNESDAY, may GOD illuminate your DAY,

wishing you a BEAUTIFUL, wake up and don't miss

 the JOY, With just two WORDS I send you this morning,

a big HUG, and a kiss, huge, with all my heart: TAKE CARE

OF YOURSELF, María-------------------

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