Spring is in the air even though we are to have snow falling down tomorrow. The month of March always has surprises as winter is trying to stay in and spring is coming in the back door. Smiles Gloria
Wintery windy day and sub zero temps for the next several days.
I plan to stay toasty warm indoors putting a fun winter puzzle together as I do my daily duties off and on.
Every so pretty outside with snow on the ground and the birds are coming to the feeder off and on during the day.
May your winter days bring joy to your heart and if you have time throw a snowball my way or if your snow is angel snow instead have fun making one in your yard for all to see.
Be happy, and a reason will come along. ~Robert Brault Enjoy your moments , so precious. Smiles coming your way from me. Gloria
The Christmas tree is decorated and the Christmas music playing off and on during the day. May you have a glorious Christmas sharing with family and friends. Smiles Gloria