Female 67 years old North Carolina United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 2592
[ 65 ]
04/29/2013 07:08:37 |
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Can you guess?? lol

This is me! My name is Lisa and I live in North Carolina and have most of my life. I was born in Virginia. I most recently lived 10 years in England, but have now been back in the USA for 4 years now. I work full time here and still work part time for my company in the UK. No rest for the wicked....Ha! I enjoy all sorts of needlework, gardening, music, time permits. Oh, and my little one below...
I share my life with my "furry child" Bailey. He's a British Toy Poodle that is rotten to the core with high anxiety, a little bit autistic, and very much a drama queen! Can't get much better than that! Although some days I wonder......

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