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AKC Colorful Toy Poodle Lover

mem_normal OFFLINE
77 years old
Bucyrus, Ohio
United States

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RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 04/20/2008
LAST LOGIN: 07/20/2009 13:50:13

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Sound of Music, South Pacific, & Hawaii. Don't go to a movie theater much any more at all but do watch the Time Warner Movies that they have some times. I like Medical Movies, Sci-Fi Movies, and Movies about real people happenings. Not the Documentaries but like Medical,Rapes,Every day life happenings and learning from others mistakes. NEVER too late to learn or so they say.

Country (new & older), 1960's (especially),Regaae,some Hip-Hop,some Gospel,Oldies like my parents use to listen to like the Big Band Era.

Hate reading much of anything. Both of my parents loved to read and so did my only sibling.Not me.. Never have liked reading much of anything except some poetry....

Purple,lavendar,teal, and blues

Soup Beans,Oysters,most soups. I am not picky at all. I use to be growing up but learned to eat most anything and not complain about it. I live to eat and certainly not eat just to live..LOLL!!
I love the steaks at Lone Star Steak Houses.I love the food at Mon-Ami in Port Clinton, OHIO. They have one mean Smorgasborg.. Very expensive so don't get to go there very often. Like the Red Olive and Olive Garden. Banana Splits and Strawberry (anything made with strawberries) are my very favorite desserts..

Enjoy my Volunteer work at the Hospital, being around other people, animals,fish,birds (which I can't have because of Health reasons but have had some kind of bird for over half of my life, but not any more) I was raised from sixteen to around thirty years old showing and raising a few Quarter Horses. Went most of the time with my Father. He was always the life of the party while my Mother was quiet and gentle and loving and a big stay-at-home.

Colorful Toy Poodles and Dogs in general. Birds but can't be around them any more for Health reasons but had them most of my growing up years.I love people and helping if at all possible since I was born in 1947 and not as able as I use to be.I love being needed and treated like a lady..

Liars,Cheaters, & Thieves. Don't like people who think they are right about everything and snobs. Don't like not being able to work and be around people like when I was younger. Hate being taken advantage of about me being so good hearted.
Don't like the way the World is becoming as I keep getting older. Loved living back in the 1960's and not having to worry about many people or having to keep doors locked and not being able to trust people like it is today any more it seems.

Raising my Colorful Toy Poodles and Crocheting and Volunteering and talking...I make afghans and give them to people who can't make them for themselves. I give them to whoever is around when I am finished and enjoy looking at them. I just give them to someone who appreciates them.Never keep any of them for myself.I enjoy people and Volunteer at our local Hospital for over twenty years now.

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