Female 47 years old Vancouver, Washington United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1093
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Christian - other |
05/13/2010 09:11:00 |
Gone with the Wind, My Fair Lady, Yentl, any disney movie, anything with Keanue Reeves, Patrick Swayze, Johnny Depp and Richard Gere in it.
PINK is my main but I also like Blue and Purple.
I like pretty much all food, if I can cook it I will eat it
I have been married for 12 years now and have three wonderful children.
good family values, the bible, cats
Bad drivers, kids with no respect towards their parents, onions, lima beans, food workers who don't wash their hands
cooking, playing on my computer
sacplumlee03 has 3 friend(s)