Female 64 years old United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 996
 [ 115 ]
04/15/2011 20:08:06 |
For my main dishes I love Lobster Tails, Lasagna, Tuna Casserole, Tacos, and a good ole bowl of homemade Chilie.
Deserts, let's see I love Chocolate and more Chocolate and homemade Bananna Pudding and homemade Brownies.
Love the TV show House, love dabbling in computer graphics, taking long lesiure walks with my dogs and reading a good romance book mostly hostircal romances which are my favorites.
I don't like to be lied to, I treat others with respect so therefore I expect the same in return. I don't like people putting their nose in where it don't belong. I'm not a morning person, hate getting up early. I'm a night owl after working third shift for so many years my system has become accustomed to staying up practically all night long. One of my biggest pet peeves is people who drive while talking on a cell phone. If you gotta talk than pull over, don't subject other drivers to your carelessness. My other pet peeve would be for people who don't know how to put the shopping carts in the racks in the parking lot, it only takes a few seconds and steps to put it in the rack, be courtous to others and put you shopping cart in it's place and not left in the parking lot where it can dent somones vehicle.
Computers, Computers and more computers, gardening, riding bikes and enjoy making friends who have the same common intrest as I do.
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