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Female 76 years old Simcoe,Ontario Canada
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Profile Views: 1209
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11/06/2011 21:19:46 |
Gone with the Wind
It's a wonderful Life
Wizard of Oz(seen it a ga-zillion times)
Topper ( oldie but goody)
King Kong..(old version only)
Ghost (great movie for a good cry)
I like Adverture,Drama,esp Musical's of all kinds.
Rythm & Blues
Bluegrass (I know..pathetic)
50's & 60's Music..
(2 sons where musicians,travelling band so of course Love their Music...Rock & Roll of course..
Now,wearing hmmm bifocals..I can no longer read as I once did..makes my eyes hurt & very about the only thing I read is the Newspaper & my puzzle books & of course the TV guide....:lol
Blue is my Fav..but like Red as well..definately not one for Stripes!!!..Good heaven's NO !!!..:lol Ever notice the stiped clothing (alway)goes the wrong way you want it to,to give you that Slimming Look..:lol
Chinese for sure.
A good Steak
Baked Potato with Sour Cream & Chives
All Veggies...except cooked carrots..Yuck !
Curried Chicken (one of my Favs)
Good Salad's in the summer
Anything cooked on the barbecue...
Oh heck,,I like just about everything,,,except Spinach..!!!
I feel I'm a very generous person,who will go out of her way to help other's,even when I don't really feel like going out.Try to help where I can in just about any situation.
I'm 59yrs of age,,but soon will hit the big 60 in June...ouch !!!..Hubby just hit the big 60 in March /08. Have been married to the same man for 38 yrs come June 08...that's an accomplishment in itself now isn't it..but we have been together since know , the days before DVD'S,Cell Phones etc...I have two grown Son's and two biological grandchildren & 4 step-grandson's...All are terrific.I do lots of babysitting,& yes it's true,it's always nice to have them here but nicer to see them all leave..Only grandparents can say that one eh?.:lol
I'm a retired Accountant from our Local Newspaper.Enjoyed the work very much indeed,but left the outside working world back in '92..just cause I wanted stay home & join the Inside Working World...:lol :lol
All in all, I've had a very happy,enjoyable life, with a few ups & downs as we all have,,but am very lucky to have found someone so special as my husband to share my life with....sappy isn't it..
I like good Music,oldie movies are my favorite,going for walks with our 2 dogs..had 3 but one had to be put down...Bummer!..going out for Dinner of course cause that means I do not have to not only do the cooking but No Clean Up afterwards!..:lol...gardening,being with our large extened family.
Love totally honest people,people who are kind & generous & willing to help other's where needed.
Love to Travel when possible.
Dislike:Snow...I like the look of it cause it is pretty,but hard to walk in & definately hard to drive in out here living in the boonies..:lol..Don't like people who are In it,as it where for themselves..! Dislike "roadkill"..excuse me,,but find it very upsetting being an animal lover & all...except for those little ,creepy crawly's..called "BUGS"..hate bugs of all kinds..I know they do go but they don't beling Inside the house..:lol :lol
Going for long walks ,crocheting takes up alot of my time, & getting in a Nap whenever I can...:lol :lol ..Also love word puzzles.
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