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"Will Work For Stamps!"

mem_normal OFFLINE
64 years old
Small Town, Illinois
United States

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JOB: Medical
RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 04/08/2008
LAST LOGIN: 09/09/2008 10:15:31

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Forrest Gump, Saturday Night Fever, Coal Miner's Daughter, Pretty Woman, Silence of the Lambs, Misery, Bridges of Madison County, White Christmas.

Most any kind. But I love Country Music. And, of course, all the music I grew up with in the 70's...Aerosmaith, Elton John, Michael Jackson. Classic Rock. Melissa Ethridge. Barbra Streisand.

I love self-help books, true crime and biographies, poetry. Dr. Suess, Shel Silverstein, Nikki Giovanni, Joyce Meyers.

Anything Bright...Orange, Pink, Lime Green, Blue
But I also love "Close to Cocoa" and "Purely Pomegranate" which are two of my favorite Stampin' Up! colors.

Only one...I'd have to say, a big, fat tender juicy Filet Mignon, Medium. Oh, and fried dill pickles...ever had any???

I was born in Gary, Indiana, and grew up in Hobart. Moved to southern Illinois whan I was 16 years old. I currently have two major misssions in life...one is decluttering. I am actually making great progress with this, but it hasn't been easy for me. You'd be amazed at how much "stuff" one can accumulate after 30 years of marriage. The other mission is just trying to make healthier choices. I wear a pedometer every day and just try to increase my activity each day. I enjoy doing Random Acts of Kindness. My husband is a minister of a small country church. We have been there for over 20 years. I love my church family! They are the most awesome people. My husband and I are usually at opposite sides on politics, and many other topics, but we love each other deeply, and I like to think our personalities compliment one another. He's outgoing, I enjoy my quiet, alone time. He's thin, I'm not. He can stretch a dollar a long ways, I spend too much money on my hobbies. I see the glass as half full, and his is half empty. He's ultra conservative, I'm liberal. But one thing is for sure, there is nevere a dull moment around our dinner table. But, in ways that matter, we are on the same page. We are both spiritual, love our families, have a strong work ethic, and we both LOVE our time together now that we're empty nesting. I have a daughter that lives in Orlando, and she is the Mom of Wade, 13 months. And I have a daughter that lives a few miles from us, and she has Allen, 7 years old, and Ava, 8 months. I am an RN, QMHP. I am the Compliance Officer at our local health dept. I LOVE my job! I was an HIV case manager for 12 years. My husband owns his own Automotive Repair business. He lost his job after 19 years, as a coal miner, due to the mine closing down. He is now self-employed, and with the current economy being what it is, we are struggling with it. The economy in southern Illinois is awful. Our gasoline cost is about the highest in the country, but our salaries, are some of the lowest in the country. And we live in a very rural area, so we have to drive 15 miles just to get to the grocery store. I am a very loyal friend. I enjoy getting to know people that are not "just like me." I say, "Let's celebrate our differences." I beleive in "Giving Back." I participate every year in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. I am a member of the Southern Illinois HIV Advisory Board. I am wanting to write a grant for a Big Brothers/Big Sisters program in our area. It is much needed. I am never bored. I am extremely happy. In the past few years, I have been through a lot of sadness with my extended family, but I feel like I have grown so much from it, and even though it was challenging, it has made me a better person. What do "they" say, what doesn't kill you, will make you stronger! When I go into a Scrapbooking Store, I get so excited that I start having heart palpitations. I'm not kidding, It's rediculous. But it brings me great pleasure. Oh, I am planning a big family reunion for my Dad's side of the family for this summer. I am pretty excited about that, especially since we have not had one since I was a child.

My family and friends. My job. Good Manners. Freshly cut grass. A nice, clean house. Stampin' Up!. Sweet Tea. Organization. My husband's ability to make me laugh, even though he is not funny (Does that make any sense???) Most any kind of game...Monoploy, Scrabble, Canasta, Pinochle, Bunco. Honesty. Sincerity. Scrapbooking. The underdog. Politics. My church. Playing with my Grandbabies. Grilling out! Mother Teresa. Keeping family and friends in touch. Laughter! Living life to the fullest. Eleanor Roosevelt. Living in the Moment! Making lists. Vera Bradley purses. Rosie O'Dnnell. Date night with my dearly beloved! Windchimes. Bird watching. Gardening. Martha Stewert. Road trips. Seinfeld. Snuggling. Conversations. Thunderstorms. Pictures taken from behind. That first hot cup of coffee in the morning! Family picnics. Oprah. Really BIG snows. Real life personal letters that come in the mail. The Brady Bunch. Weeping Willow Trees. Freshly changed bed linens. Barnes and Noble. The Pumpkin Patch. Farmers Markets. Open Windows. Debates. Open, accepting people.

Dishonesty. Talking on cell phones when you're with someone. Hominy. People who make fun of other people. My toes. People who are fake. Seafood. Wearing black. Wal-Mart. Sweating. Root canals. Staying in hotels. My big feet. People who correct others in front of other people. Narrow minded people. People who take and take and never give back.

Stampin' Up! Handmade Cards. Scrapbooking. Reading. I am wanting to learn how to hand quilt. I would like to take a cake decorating class with my daughter. I love learning new things. Bunco.

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05/31/2021 09:37:27

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