Female 87 years old Maple Rapids, Michigan United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1109
[ 1 ]
08/02/2010 15:10:42 |
Mysteries, historical lnovels
A great big thank you to all who have so warmly welcomed me to your group. I have so much to learn but am looking forward to it.
My husband and I have been snowbirds for many years, spending half the year in Michigan (our real home) and until this past winter, half the year in Florida. We just moved to Arizona last winter and already love it there. We have 5 adult children, 14 grandchildren, and are now expecting #9 & 10, great grandchildren. I am a brand new quilter (never to late to learn new tricks) and enjoy geneology.
Quilting, geneology, reading, playing games on the computer.
snowbird1994 has 3 friend(s)