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mem_normal OFFLINE
74 years old
Lorain, Ohio
United States

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JOB: Homemaker
RELIGION: Protestant
MEMBER SINCE: 05/11/2008
STAR SIGN: Sagittarius
LAST LOGIN: 01/14/2009 18:00:01

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My all time #1 favorite movie is Friendly Persuasion with Gary Cooper,and Dorothy McGuire,but there are many others that I love,in many different genres,including Zulu,and Guns of Navvarone for war films!The Egg and I and The Money Pit for comedies.
Favorite Christian films are King Of kings,Ushpizin,which is an Israli-English subtitled one, Flywheel,Facing The Giants and Paper Clips(about a TN school's effort that drew international attention on teaching a class how to comprehend the holocaust).

Southern Gospel and Contemporary Christian is what I mostly listen to,but I still love 50's-60's rock,soul,doo-wop,and country.

I read a lot of non-fiction inspirational Christian books,that inspire one's spiritual walk. I also enjoy Christian fiction by Frank Peretti,Randy Alcorn,Ted Dekker,C.S. Lewis,and enjoy the Fantasy
genre.My first was the 7 book series of The Chronicles Of Narnia,Then A Wrinkle In Time, Brigid Of Ireland,and The Spiderwick Chronicles. Now I'm getting ready to start The 5 book Dark Is Rising series by Susan Cooper.

Red & Black

I enjoy many foods. My dad was German my hubby a hillbilly,so I love good old southern cooking,German Potato Salad (with my grandmother's recipe,only)and many sausages,but I would probably say Tex-Mex and Bar-be-cue ribs are my favorites.I love to make enchiladas, as homemade are better than any resturaunt serves.

My dad was career Air Force,and we went to England for 2 yrs. when I was 4.It gave me an interest in other countries and cultures.

I met my husband at a base that he and my dad were both stationed at. We were married 30 yrs. and had two daughters and a son,and my husband had a fatal and totally unexpected heart attack a few weeks before his 51st birthday when I was 47.

I went running back to the Lord,and in His loving mercy He was waiting to forgive my neglect over the years,and He miraculously restored my joy. He has been my ever present help and comfort through my singleness,and I am totally satisfied to remain just me and the Lord.

I am an avid reader and movie watcher. I enjoy most genre's of books,films and music,as long as they are good,interesting and non-offensive.
As I am a Christian I especially like inspirational,edifying books,films,and Praise/Worship music,so of course that means I also love the old B/W classic films and TV series. I am also a fan of several British comedy sitcoms and series that I watch on BBC,or have caught on DVD.I do not watch regular network TV.

Friendly, outgoing,funloving people who have varied interests and are good conversationalists. Good sense of humor,but do not try to make a joke out of everything that is said.

I love spending time with my 6 yr. old granddaughter whom I see every other weekend.

Offensive language,immorality in today's films/TV.Pushy,overly familiar people who come on too strong from the get-go. Dishonesty,phonies,and people who toot their own horns(guys especially.False flatterers,and people who cannot carry on a serious conversation.

Reading,watching movies,playing computer CD-ROM games,spending time with friends.

soblessed has 3 friend(s)

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12/05/2021 08:54:29

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