Female 69 years old Reedsport, Oregon United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1321
[ 2 ]
08/09/2013 02:10:59 |
Different movies - Grouchy ol’ Men, War of the Roses, Prison Break, Medium, Mesmerized, Hearts in Atlantis, Planet Earth, Blue Planet
Celine Dion, Enya, Abba, Backstreet Boys, Yanni to name Josh Groban
Purple, Red and some new Orange color Roses
A litte fireball and full of laughs
Outback/Outdoor Activity, Fishing, Hunting, Riding Quads/Motorcycles, Skiing, Boating, Scrapbooking, Photography, Cooking, Recipe Collecting, Bird/Animal watching, Attending school learning new things, enjoy the History/Modern Marvels, Discovery and Sci-Fi channels. I like to watch the waves on the ocean, like to look at new/old housing, garden, and masonry architecture. Enjoy gardening and growing things. Love creativity! People that keep their WORD!
People that don’t walk the talk (two faced), whiners, complainers, judgmental people, people who think they are better than you without getting to know you – walk in your shoes first, so to speak! Slimy seafood, spicy foods, and weird foods.
Gardening, Scrapbooking, Woodworking Projects, Photography, Computer stuff and Outdoor Stuff.